[MF] Who is the cuckold in this story? And what does that make me?

I shouldn’t be writing this. Here I sit, in this house, the house I share with the man who has loved me for the past six years. The house he has tried so hard to turn into a home. The house I share, and the house I plan on living in for the foreseeable future.

But this house was a den of lies last night.

I knew I shouldn’t have taken the bait. You threw me for a loop all the months ago, asking to stay in touch. You were never the type of person I wanted to talk to, just the type of person I wanted to fuck. I took real pleasure in using you, hearing your voice crack as I left the room as you asked me to stay. You made me feel empowered and in control in a way I have never felt. And yet; I could never say no to you.