The Dentist [MF] 24 and 25 years old.

(Well, technically, dental student, but dentist sounds better. Also, if you read my story about the triathlete, you’ll see a recurring theme. I used to be like Charlie Brown kicking the football when it comes to women.)

Skip down to SEXY TIMES if inclined.

When I was 24, I was in grad school doing a rotation at a lab on the West Coast for a few months. My program was cheap so I was on my own dime to get out there and find housing. Being a broke-ass grad student, I was only able to afford a temporary room in an off-campus student housing apartment complex associated with the school. I definitely could not afford to rent a car, so I had to take the city bus into the lab. It was a long, boring ride and I hated it, but it was my only option. It seemed like his was going to be a pretty dull few months of lab drudgery. That is, until I met Carly.

Tryst with the Cleaning Lady [M/F]

Greetings! This is a true story which got me banned from GoneWildStories as I was not explicit about the ages of those involved. I hope you all enjoy it. Additionally, I anticipate that you all will be able to surmise that everyone was over 18 as suggested by the facts that the involved parties were a senior in college and a graduate student, respectively, but just to be absolutely clear: we were both in our 20s.

[Edit for tags and clarity] M/F, I was 26 at the time, she was 22, no cheating for the butthurt, everyone tested for STIs and birth control used for the health-minded, alcohol consumed for the abstainers…what else…Easter mentioned for the anti-religion/Jeebus crowd…higher education mentioned which may offend the dummies…okay I think that’s it. You’ve been warned. Proceed with caution. Lots of preamble. Skip to XXXXXX if so inclined.


When are we all going to learn to just start trying to fuck these people when we first figure out that we want to fuck these people? (MF, 19)

Scroll down to SEXY TIMES if that’s your bag


So apologies up front, because this is another “finally banged my high school crush years later” tale. I suppose there’s a reason this sub is littered with so many stories that fit this bill…mainly because it is fucking AWESOME to bang your high school crush years later. High school wasn’t that bad for me but in retrospect it still blew. The amount of time and frustration I spent worrying about bullshit was inordinate, and I consider myself to have been a relatively well-adjusted and sexually successful high school kid. These after-the-fact conquests are always going to be highlights of the spank bank for anyone who has the luck to pull them off.

So I grew up in the country and went to a smallish high school, with a graduating class of about 120 kids. Most of us had known each other since pre-school, but there were always a few new kids every year. Usually this was as a result of faculty turnover at the small college in my hometown. These interlopers would come in over the summer months and when school started in the fall they’d have to go through all of the pains of being a new kid in an insular little shithole town.

Risky sex with the Japanese student teacher

Skip ahead to SEXY TIMES if so inclined.


When I was in my 20s, I moved to Japan to work as an English teacher in the north. I worked in many different settings but spent most of my time in a sort of community college. Every year at our school, we would hire 6 college education majors in their senior year for some hands-on experience. They worked with us for a year at a time, learning English and American-style education while assisting us with our duties.

The Japanese academic year starts in April and essentially goes year-round. In July and August of every year, a new set of Japanese recruits would rotate through our school for one week at a time as part of the interviewing process to start working at our school the next spring. Some of the applicants were older, more experienced teachers, but most of them were juniors and seniors in college.

The Triathlete Next Door [MF, 20s]

Skip down for the good part if so desired — it's clearly marked. Lots of preamble for those inclined.

I had lived overseas for several years teaching English. The gig got old and it was time to return to America. I had grown up in the rural South but had no intention of ever returning, so as my contract was nearing expiration I started interviewing for jobs at bigger cities.

I was able to land a job in the southwest. Coming back to America was strange and I didn’t know anybody in the area so I spent most of my time outside of work trying to get in shape, usually by riding my road bike. The town I lived in was small and my neighborhood was almost exclusively retirees and snowbirds – nice people, but not exactly a fun crowd, particularly for a 27 year old. Many of the houses in the neighborhood stood empty with “For Rent” signs out front, including the one immediately next door to me.

Bitter and on the rebound, but lucked onto a winner [M29, F31]

It started as bitterness on my part. I had had yet another relationship crash and burn and was feeling like taking my frustration out on the entire female gender. Not physically, but mentally. Emotionally. And even though I wanted to do this, I knew how wrong it was to let my anger at previous girls taint future relationships, so I figured posting some rant-type diatribes on Craigslist would be a fun (and safe…and not particularly malevolent) way of going about it.

So I wrote a series of posts, sort of "Open Letters To The Women of Southern California", and put them on CL in the M4W section. Summed up every shitty relationship I've had since I was 14. Got a LOT of hate mail. A little more "God loves you" mail. A few "right on, brah!" type messages from dudes. And a VERY few e-mails from women telling me that as much as they hated me for being such an asshole, they did admired my writing.

I struck up a number of e-mail dialogues with the women of this last category, and after a period of online stalking via MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook (this was several years ago…), discovered that all but one of them were fat ugly single mom divorcee English teachers. But there was that one…Charlotte.