(FM) A Very Good Morning (Long)

I wake up to hot breath on my neck. Eye closed with a sleepy smile, I stretch my arms above my head and roll toward the other side of the bed.

“Good morning, bud! You need to go potty?”

Winston leaps from the bed excitedly, and I follow behind with much less enthusiasm. My face contorts, wincing as my feet hit the cold hardwood. Stepping over my black panties laying on the floor, I consider slipping them on, along with my joggers at the foot the bed. I’ll be quick, I tell myself. It’s not that cold, right?

My black and grey and blue cattle dog is dancing at the backdoor. Opening it just enough to let him out, I quickly shut the door behind me and shiver, feeling my nipples harden and regretting not slipping on those pants. Your t-shirt, though comfy, barely covers my ass. I sigh and follow the light toward the kitchen, sites set on the coffee maker. It’s only 6 AM. I’d love to get a few more hours of sleep, but I can already tell I’m wide awake. I blame the cold.