It’s not cheating if you get caught… [F/M]

*Guilt and Pleasure: Volume 3*

**[It’s Not Cheating If You Get Caught](**

by Matthew Myen


If this is the first of mine you have read, please read the [first part]( and [second part]( before continuing.

This final volume seems like a good place to put the full stop and I hope you agree with that decision. It’s about the same length as the second volume, if you’re wanting to know that before you get started.

All the best,



**Chapter 1**

The silhouette on the landing above shifted and coalesced into a shadowy Dan, a faint filter of light from downstairs throwing him only vaguely into relief as he came towards the top of the staircase. A small, bright bar of illumination marked his jeans from the crack under the bathroom door where Lily was still trying to catch her breath after having it violently fucked out of her. Dan’s eyes regarded me above a mouth that was set in a serious line.

“Dan¬—” I began, but cut myself off, not wanting to give away anything that he hadn’t already heard or guessed. How loud had we been? How long had he been up here looking for me?

It’s not cheating if you only look… [F/M]

It's Not Cheating If You Only Look

by Matthew Myen

If this is the first of mine you have read, please read the first part of Guilt and Pleasure before continuing.

Well, that first post blew up, didn’t it? I’d just like to thank everyone for their words of support and encouragement. If you just read it and enjoyed it – that’s enough for me.

If you were on the subreddit yesterday, you might have noticed Volume 2 went up and then got deleted. This was due to a reader asking me to delete it, as it didn’t feel real to him/her. I believe the reason behind the disbelief is the way the story is written. I am a writer, so that is bound to make its way into this. I also happen to have had a very active and disgraceful cheating history, and decided to turn it into a story. Is it all true? Did I actually lose several games of Go Fish to Dan? I don’t remember, but we were playing Go Fish that night while the others talked and Jess got ready upstairs. Did Lily actually switch phones with me and leave that app open? Yes. Some parts are clearer than others, but it all happened, and is as close to a verbatim retelling of the events as I can get. I removed the post because I didn’t want to irritate anybody – honestly I get more out of writing it than I do sharing it. But in the last 24 hours I have messaged out 20+ free copies of Volume 2 – which I don't have the time to do! So in conclusion, if you don’t like my story or don’t believe it – my apologies, and you are welcome not to read it.

It’s not cheating if you only look… [M/F]

Guilt and Pleasure: Volume 2

It's Not Cheating If You Only Look

by Matthew Myen

If this is the first of mine you have read, please read the first part of Guilt and Pleasure before continuing.

Well, that first post blew up, didn’t it? I’d just like to thank everyone for their words of support and encouragement. If you just read it and enjoyed it – that’s enough for me.

I have bad news for anyone who thought the first one was too long… the second volume is more than double the word count. I couldn’t find a good place in the events to stop without feeling like a tease.

Finally, if you would prefer to read on Kindle or something, have a look at the afterword in the comments.


Plan B (or the ‘Morning-after pill’) is a type of emergency contraception that can prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex.

It was late. Late enough that even the semi-nocturnal birds that roosted in the trees of the park near our townhouse had quit their trilling. Jessica slept soundly next to me breathing in the slow rhythm of deep sleep. My phone glared painfully in the darkness as I browsed incognito for some statistic that would help me sleep.

It’s not cheating if you don’t touch… [F/M]

A couple of years ago Jessica and I were ready to move out of home. We were engaged to be married early the next year, and while I’m sure Jessica had different reasons, a large part of the motivation for me was to have somewhere we could fuck without feeling like we were doing something illegal at our parent’s houses. Jessica was fit, toned and about 5’7. She dressed for sport when she wasn’t working, usually in a thong and yoga pants that showed off her perfect ass. Being an ass man, it was supremely frustrating to me that she only rarely initiated sex and palmed it off as frequently as possible, though she made up for it in other qualities.

Unfortunately, rentals where we wanted were priced out of our reach, so we put out feelers for potential housemates. Peter had been one of my closest friends for years and was in a relationship with Lily. We all hung out fairly regularly but the girls barely tolerated each other. You know when two people are just going to clash, so Peter and I had given up attempting to make them friends. They were polite to each other’s faces, so we left it at that.