To get straight to the massage, skip to ****** ;) My boyfriend has been out of town for the last few months. Pretty quickly after he left, we decided that I should find hookups, and I’ve had a surprising amount of success finding Redditors in my area. The deal was that Jeremy wanted me to find people to hook up with, but he also wanted to be sent as many pictures and videos and hear as many stories as possible so he could enjoy the fun too. I haven’t written up very many stories, but this one stood out in my memory.
I posted on a local NSFW r4r subreddit with a picture in a thong and bralette, and soon got lots of dick pics and people looking to fuck. I wasn’t looking for couples and didn’t want to travel super far though, so I dismissed most of the messages. But I was intrigued by a man offering a massage, preferably ending with fingering and oral for me. We texted for a bit and I was very nervous, but he promised that if I wanted, he would just give me a massage with nothing more and no hard feelings. He lived about an hour drive away, farther than I was expecting to go, but the massage was too tempting. We met halfway at a Starbucks and agreed to go back to his place. I was still nervous for some reason, but excited. At this point, I was still thinking I might just want a normal masssage (hah!).