Drunken Staycay

I write these for my wife but in truth dirty talk freaks her out, so you can have them.

We’re in bed both drunk but you more so than me. Getting turned on for the 5th time today you don’t say anything but decide to put on one of the outfits you have. You think you’ve been subtle but I know what you’re up to. I sip my drink, cock stirring,   listening to you in the bathroom clumsily getting yourself dressed up and struggling to keep your balance in your heels. Several moments later you emerge. Stunning but being drunk your makeup is a little off and you have dialled the slutty look up to the max. I know just how wet you get when you’re this drunk and know how hard you like to be fucked also. 
 You start strutting towards the bed but I get up, grab you by the arm and drag you to the living room. You stumble but stay up right. I tell you to stand there, facing away from me and that you’re not allowed to look at me. You oblige.

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The Lawyer

Chapter 1

I led in bed with one eye open, a piercing white hot pain coursing around my skull and my forehead and chest faintly glistening with the Jameson frantically trying to escape my body. The curtains were drawn but sabres of light pierced through the gaps that I could not muster the energy to fix. A precariously balanced glass of water on my bed stand seemed to hold little appeal despite my desiccation. 

  Momentary pain relief arrived as a grin made its way across my face. Murky memories of a great night in a small expat enclave whose inhabitants traded freely in oil, alcohol and extra marital affairs. Not necessarily in that order but at that time all in sellers markets. Much like my insides and the landscape surrounding me, my sex life had evaporated and weeks had long since turned into months. Long distance had exposed gaping wounds in a since abandoned relationship and I now found myself surrounded by an abundance of work and a dearth of single or interesting women. 


A story I wrote for an Arab girl with a white man kink:-

We’ve both been chatting for months, some dirty, some just about life. You mention you’re going to be in town over the weekend with friends. For both of us it has always been about the fantasy, the reality of meeting up has never seemed possible or necessarily desired. But I have a plan. I tell you that we should see each other from a distance. I give you instructions and to message me when you’re sat with your friends at a cafe in the mall. 

Time goes on and we message only once or twice, I figure you are scared, so I don’t press it.

However, on the morning we arranged, I get a message. You describe what you are wearing and that you will be sat in the Cafe at 5 pm just as I had asked. I respond by telling you I will be wearing a blue jacket that I will remove and throw over the arm of my chair before I sit down. I will order an espresso and a dessert. I’ve never sent you pictures but I’ve described how I look. Your mind begins to race.