Getting Laid In The Back Of A Cop Car [MF]

First time posting here but long time reader and wanted to give some of my stories a shot. I have plenty to tell from my past but I figured this would be a good one to start with. This turned out to be longer than I expected so if you’re here for the good stuff I separated it below. Names will be changed to protect the privacy but if you would like to hear more stories let me know!

A little backstory, I was a police officer for about 3 years total. I was in my early 20’s at the time and definitely in the best shape of my life. I worked out every day and had the washboard abs and everything. I wish I could get back to that shape honestly.

The job was for a smaller town which comes with a lot of politics involved and is the main reason I decided to move on from the career. I was with another girl at the time but their wasn’t much (if any) sex involved with the relationship. I have a very high sex drive but I tried to push through, hoping it was just a phase but being on night shift and having a lot of times on my hands I really started to notice something.