It’s Hard to Satisfy Me [F]

To make a short story shorter: It takes like 15 or more orgasms to satisfy me completely. Of course, my sexual partners usually can’t keep up with this need and I never ask them to. I don’t masturbate a lot, mainly because it’s such an ordeal. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to really get me to the point where I am truly and completely satisfied.

However, a girl has needs.

For some reference, I am 5’4″, blonde for the moment, 18, and really curvy. Typically I get a lot of stares at my chest, as I have DDDs. Now, I’m not personally a fan of my own ass (everyone has insecurities) however my past girlfriends and boyfriends have loudly let me know how much they love it, so take that as you will.

Tonight was one of those nights where I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’m currently dating a guy, and while the sex is great I can’t reasonably ask him to make me come so many times although believe me, he’s tried. It just takes too long. So having sex and just sitting in my horniness for so long finally got to me. Around 11pm, I decided my day was done and I was ready for bed. I was in it for about 10 seconds before I realized I was so horny I was never going to sleep unless I did something about it.