[MFF] Secretly Fucking My Ex-Girlfriend’s Best Friend During A Long Road Trip Together

Two years ago I had one of the hottest sexual experiences of my life. I had been with my girlfriend at the time for a little over two years and things were going well. We argued like most couples do, but we made each other laugh and liked the same shows on Netflix, so it was pretty official. Honestly, enjoying the same shit on Netflix is probably more important than anything else. If we can spend all weekend watching *Ozark* together, then we are a match made in streaming service heaven.

Anyway, my girlfriend (let’s call her Ashley) left all her friends behind in Wisconsin when she moved out to California a few years back. All throughout our relationship she would talk about wanting to go visit her friends, but her budget never really allowed it. Trying to live life out here ain’t easy, folks.

One hot August day though, her best friend (Selena) called her to tell her she was going on a road trip to California. She was planning on starting in Los Angeles, and then driving all the way up the coast to the border of Oregon. Selena offered to pick up Ashley, so they could go on the road trip together. Obviously, Ashley said yes and was even nice enough to invite me along. I was pretty excited, mainly because I had never been north of San Francisco. I thought, “Gee. It’ll be nice to take in the scenery. A relaxing vacation up the coast!”

[MF] The Third Time My Dad’s Girlfriend Made Me Cum

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kr2jzo/mf_the_first_time_my_dads_girlfriend_made_me_cum/)

[PART TWO](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ksk3of/mf_the_second_time_my_dads_girlfriend_made_me_cum/)

If you haven’t read the first two parts of this story, you should probably click the links above and do that now. They’ll give you all the details/backstory you need.

So after my dad nearly caught us that night (you know the night where I came on her face and she rubbed her pussy all over my face) we were understandably a little freaked out. I was starting to feel really guilty. I mean, my dad would never win any Father of the Year awards, but he’s a decent enough dude. At the time, he was letting me live rent free inside his house, so you know, how bad could he be?

I was the bad one, I thought. I’ve never been a religious man, but I remember thinking, “If there’s a hell, I’m probably going to it.” But then my brain also did that thing brains do, you know? Where it makes excuses, so you can actually continue on with your life and not be bedridden with guilt. My brain was all like, “Dude, you’re like 21! Your brain ain’t even fully developed yet! See. I just used ain’t! YOU’RE STUPID! SHE’S THE ONE TO BLAME! HER BRAIN IS FULLY DEVELOPED. SHE’S THE ONE IN A RELATIONSHIP!”

[MF] The Second Time My Dad’s Girlfriend Made Me Cum

[PART ONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kr2jzo/mf_the_first_time_my_dads_girlfriend_made_me_cum/)

If you haven’t read part one, you should definitely click on the link above. There is a lot of backstory detailed in part one, and if you don’t read it, some of the shit below might be confusing to you. Don’t be confused. Be informed. (life advice)

When I left you the last time, I was on my father’s couch in his living room of the house that he owns, staring down at my boxer briefs. My boxer briefs that were covered in cum. Cum that was extracted out of my throbbing cock by his girlfriend, Nicole. Safe to say, my mind was in a weird place. After all, I had just had the hottest sexual experience of my life, but it was with my dad’s girlfriend. I was already a bit fucked up, and I was worried this was going to cause me to be even more depressed, but surprisingly it did the opposite.

I woke up the next day feeling more confident, filled with life and hope. I remember thinking as I was in the shower the next day, “Shit. All this time and I just needed to cum?” Of course, it’s far more complicated than that, but I felt good.

[MF] The First Time My Dad’s Girlfriend Made Me Cum

Six years ago, I was a depressed/anxious/extremely weird 21-year-old. I’d spend most of my day inside the house, avoiding friends and watching movies. You see, when I was in high school, my best friend and I got into a car accident. I didn’t even know he was getting a car. I mean, I knew he had been working and saving for one, but I didn’t know he was buying one that day.

He showed up at my house, honked his horn an obnoxious amount of times, and greeted me with this huge smile. He was so happy. His home life wasn’t the best, so I think this car represented freedom for him. It was an old, highly used car. It looked like shit, almost like someone gave him money just to get it off their hands.

But he loved it. I jumped inside and we drove around town, mostly taking back roads and side streets.

“Have you taken this thing on the highway yet?” I asked.

“No, you wanna?” he replied.