The Hunt – Chapter 4

As the car weaves through the country lanes, you gaze along field after field, thinking about what it is you are hoping for. What you want to find when you reach your destination. You just know that if anyone is going to understand the way you have been feeling or the emotions you have been trying to process, it could be the people here.

You stare out at the road ahead, determined to find logic in the decisions that have brought you this far. You allow your mind to wander back over the past few days, reviewing them one by one. Firstly, your chase from a few nights ago, the fear, intensity and excitement of being tracked, hunted. Then the results of said hunt, as your predator ravaged you, took you, for everything you were worth. You felt the heat radiating from your crotch as you thought over it all again. Then you remembered the almost withdrawal you had felt, unable to bring yourself to orgasm since then. In your desperation, you had turned to online forums, even starting to consider the possibility of werewolves. Then in an act of utter despair, you went out looking for your hunter, eventually finding a wild animal and allowing yourself to get scared and run home.

The Hunt – Chapter 3

So, this chapter is a little less sexual and more about building the story, I hope you all enjoy all the same. As usual, all feedback is welcome!

TW: Primal, Werewolf, Hunt.

As you walk along, the gravel cracks and moves under your feet, and you think back over the last 24 hours. You cannot get the thought of it from your mind. You cannot believe that you allowed yourself to be used that way by anyone. You think over what happened and think about how it could have happened. You think about how tired you were afterward, when you passed out and even when you woke up alone in those woods.

You remember the feeling of the gravel path under your feet as you ran and the fear it filled you with. You remember the sound of the woods as it fell silent and the anxiety it brought forth in you. You remember the feeling of the branches whipping your body as you ran and the pain it gave you. You remember the scent of the dirt as you hid and the disgust you felt in your soul. You remember the feeling of sweat pouring over you and the dread it filled you with. You remember the sight of the darkness before you and the way that it overtook your mind.

The Hunt – Chapter 2

TW: Delayed Gratification, Edging, WereWolf Fantasy, Orgasm Denial.

You rouse, the dawn twilight trickling through the trees as a light breeze passes along your naked form. As you find yourself becoming more aware, you begin to feel an emptiness, a longing inside you. Reaching yours hands around you, searching for his body, you find only the leaves and branches littering the forest floor. Your eyes open, adjusting to the daylight and look around the small clearing where you lay. You find your running jogging bottoms and a hoodie hung over a tree nearby. You could have swore that you lost them in the struggle last night…

You swiftly raise up, ignoring the ache In your muscles and begin to dress, finding your sneakers on the ground nearby. Once you’re dressed appropriately, you begin to find your way out of the wood and back to the park entrance, making your way home to your warm bed.

Entering your home, you briefly consider a shower as you pass the bathroom, but your body calls out for your soft warm bed. You take a large inhale through your nose and traces of what you experienced last night dance through your mind. His scent along your body begins to take hold within you, bringing your psyche right back to the desperate sense of need you felt. Your mind begins to recover the memories of the night, trying to make sense of it all.

The Hunt – Chapter 1

New story that I have been working on for a few weeks. Let me know what you think, feedback is always welcome.

TW: Primal, CNC, Blood Play, Breeding

You enter the park, the crisp night air bracing you as you stop to look up at the night sky, taking your time to search for the peace you’ve longed for. You just start out on your familiar jog around the track, just letting your cares and worries start to fade away. Just as you start to feel your mind clear, when you hear a crack of twigs behind you on the trail.

You freeze and slowly turn, eyes scanning along the trail behind you, looking over everything you have just passed, searching for anything you may have missed. There is nothing you can find out of the ordinary. Your heart racing, you feel something within you put you on edge, starting to bring out your flight or fight response.

Just as you start to turn, your eyes betray you as a flicker of something darts through the brush, just beyond the treeline. You begin to doubt yourself, but as you concentrate on what you saw and your focus widens, you realise the park has quietened, all usual manner of bird calls and insect noises which normally highlight your evening walk have stopped. It almost feels like the world has stopped around you.