[MF] 003: Carmin – Innocent Korean tourist (Rape role-play)

Up to this point Carmin and I had had a very traditional Dom/sub relationship that was primarily focused around sadism. Our standard routine was to meet weekly, in a hotel somewhere in Manhattan, scene for three to four hours and then spend the rest of the night together relaxing, talking, watching trash TV, having sex and sleeping. We had met at the end of 2015 and had been doing this for about four months when I got this text from her;

“I want you to rape me.” It read.

When we first met, in that initial flood of online conversation that helped us figure one another out and build a basic trust we had talked about role-play. We both had experience with it, with other partners and enjoyed it. That was months ago though and it hadn’t come up again until now.

“I’m listening.” was my reply

A few minutes later she replied with this.

“I want to create characters for us. Backstories about why they are where they are. I want my character to be completely innocent and unprepared for what you want. I want her to get hurt emotionally and physically. I want you to hurt her.”

[MF] 002: Betsy – Oral sex in the Empire State Building (Vanilla, Oral)

**Myself: Brian, 26 at the time. Her: Betsy, 26 at the time.**

“I know where we can meet.” She said, inside of AOL instant messenger.

“Where?” I replied.

There was no way she was coming to my place. She wasn’t single so her place was out as well.

“I have the keys to my company’s old office space in the Empire State Building.”

I had met Betsy in a random chat room on AIM. It was 2000 and that was a pretty common thing. We quickly relaxed we were both in New York City and had been chatting for a few weeks, random things, some cybersex and trying to figure out if we should actually meet. She had access to a digital camera and had sent me her picture. I wouldn’t say she was unattractive, hut she wasn’t my type. Soft, corn-fed midwestern blond girl is the best way to describe her. More curvy than BBW, very pale skin, giant boobns and as blond hair as you get get. Someone out there would have been totally into her physically but not me. But she was into me, I enjoyed our flirting and she was very good at cybersex. That was enough back then.

[MF] 001: Joise – First scene. (Dom/sub, BDSM)

*Something new for me. I’ve had a lot of amazing experiences meeting people from the internet for BDSM and kink related activities. This will be less a kiss and tell and more trying to capture memories and moods. I will break them up, it will be non-linear across my account, but I’ll title them accordingly. I hope everyone enjoys my memories.*

** Myself: Brian, 28 at the time. Her: Joise, 22 at the time.**

Back in those days, meaning around 2002, I found all my submissives via Craigslist. It was a very different site back then and the BDSM community was very active on it. Additionally it did a good job of exposing BDSM concepts to anyone who browsed “Casual Encounters”.

That is how I met Joise. She replied to a post of mine. Told me she was completely inexperienced but eager to try BDSM. She had enjoyed handcuffs and the like with a previous boyfriend but never went deeper than that. After about a few weeks of back and forth via email and IM we set a date to meet to do a basic scene.