A brief follow up with my professor [MF]

Just a brief filler until I have time to write y’all something more substantial. I’m trying to figure out what stories to even tell – most of real life doesn’t come out to great big long posts :). This happened two weeks after the day of my original post.

It was hot out, and I didn’t have enough clean clothes, so I found myself in a dress again, although it was something a bit more substantial than the two weeks earlier – definitely decent for work, ending a bit above my knee. I dressed carefully that morning; it was again the day of our weekly meetings, although I’d been seeing my Professor quite a bit more often than once a week.

This week, though, we did have real work to do, and so left the door open to dissuade wandering hands. I could feel his eyes on me, though, the whole time, and the bulge in his pants wasn’t exactly well hidden. We worked, though, for a full hour, without mentioning anything remotely unprofessional.

When the hour was up, I grabbed my computer to leave, but he beat me to the door, and shut it softly.

I [F] seduced my professor [M], fucked in his office.

First post and have quite a lot of stories with him if you’re interested. Thought it might be fun and a bit hot to write some of these up. We (the two of us) have been either dating or casually sleeping together off and on for a few years now – plenty of stuff to share.

Relevant backstory: I at the time was a third year grad student in computer science, 24f. The object of my affections was 38m, well established in the field, and my thesis advisor. We’d been flirting for years before either of us did anything, which had happened a week earlier – finally we moved, and ended up having some of the best sex of my life (over the course of a solid 3-4 hours… god knows how many times I came). Afterwards, he texted me that although it had been incredible, it wasn’t fair to me to take advantage like that, and it was dangerous for his job.