[MF] i’m gonna marry that girl … sunshine daydream

Had a flashback to this moment. Hope it reads well.

Standing in the parking lot outside our college apartments me and a buddy were sharing a smoke (broke college kids) .. and sipping on a Natty Light (again… broke college kids) . We were just breaking balls about life and everything and we were getting pretty excited for a big party we were hosting that night . We called it a Grateful Dead party .. and all it meant was there would be shrooms and tabs for those who wanted to participate along with some funky punch bowls and tons of Dead Music going as long as we all could party.

Buddy breaking my balls cause i was picking up this Townie for a 2nd date and bringing her to the party . He couldn’t understand why i wouldn’t just want to have the party without a date and find someone to hook up with like a ‘normal kid’ … A little bit high .. i looked him in the eye and said ‘dude ..i’m gonna marry that girl’

he laughed it off… so did i .. .but i knew.

An Assist From The Mean Girl [MF]

*disclaimer… this story isn’t filled with dirty raunchy naughty play time… But it’s not often in life you get a free shot at someone anymore and it led to something fun .. so i figured i would share.*

My daughter has been going thru a rough stretch at school and with some of her activities. There are some ‘mean girls’ even at her age (11) which have made her life not fun for the last few months.

My wife had sheltered me from a lot of what was going on as she knows i have a bit of a temper at times. I may live in a rich trust fund town .. but i wasn’t born here .. or raised like these soft assholes.

I finally got caught up with everything that was going on . At this point, i say to myself that there is only one reason why my wife is giving me all this information . She wants me to get involved.

So, last week, I decided to switch responsibilities with her and pick my daughter up while she got my boys. You see, there is a mom there whose daughter is one of the mean girls.

Spent My Days with a Woman Unkind, She smoked my stuff and drank all my wine [MF]

{This was my previous submission and was asked for an update so here it goes …

well… not really .. but i did have to go to California this week for work. San Diego to be specific. Although I am essentially self employed , i have a secretary to book all my travel and dinner plans when on business.

Unfortunately this was going to be a quick trip. I don’t get out to San Diego much but I wasn’t going to have much time to enjoy the GasLamp Quarter. Straight from the plane I had to catch a ride to a meeting.

I wound up not walking into my hotel to check in until well into the early evening. I was surprised when the hotel told me it would be a few minutes before my room was ready but I could enjoy a drink at the bar while i wait.

It was of no consequence, a quick drink, and a shower and maybe i’ll feel as good as new. As I get to my room I see the door ajar and figure it was housekeeping or something.

When The Phone Rings [FF]


So that happened and it has reignited a lot of passion in our lives. Just the other morning I was waking up for work when i look over and found her just lying there playing with herself and inviting me inside of her before taking a shower for the office. .. so yeah .. things have gotten better .. but yesterday was extra fun.

My days are pretty regimented during the week. Up at 6. Gym by 7. Office by 8:30. Home by 7-8 on a typical night.

My wife’s schedule is also pretty regimented during the week. Up at 6 to make the kids breakfast. Drive them to school cause they miss the bus . Go to spin class. Latte’s with the girls after spin… and then normally little odds and ends before the kids get back from school .

Wife and I text at times during the day. We don’t talk much cause she knows typically i don’t have a lot of time during the day . If the phone does ring .. it’s normally something that is time sensitive and i do my best to pick up .

Yup .. the wife delivered on her promise [MF]

Last week i had this experience with my wife with the promise of something wild this weekend . I posted about that here: https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/d1qvvl/a_dryspell_comes_to_an_end_a_sunday_to_remember_mf/

I didn’t know what to expect as the Friday vibes were hitting me. It had been a long week at the office, but a fun one at home and all i knew is that my wife wanted to go out Friday night.

There is a fantastic steakhouse that is walkable from my office. It’s the type of place where the servers wear white jackets with black ties. It is old school . the drinks are strong. the steak is perfect.

Rather than drive 30 minutes home only to turn around and drive 30 minutes back so we could go out, i decided to stay at the office and the wife would meet me here and we would go on to our dinner.

What is Going On With The Wife [MF]

This was the situation on Sunday :

And this is what i came home to last night .

Had a long day at work and by the time i rolled in, my wife was already upstairs putting the kids to bed. I knew she had a long day too and when she didn’t come down the stairs i figured the night i was imagining would be on hold for a bit ….

About an hour after being home and settling into watching a game I get a text from her “take a shower, come upstairs, close the door behind you, no talking. do you understand?”

i take a shower, and go upstairs and walk into the bedroom , shut the door (as i was told) and i see her kneeling up on the bed in a short skirt, expensive manolo’s on her feet, and a tight tshirt”

I started to mutter “jesus christ” but she cut me off mid word and said ” I told you no fucking talking , get on your knees”

A dryspell comes to an end? A Sunday to remember [MF]

Wife and I had been in a dry spell. Unfortunately, that tends to be our norm… we’ve both hit 40 and with busy lives with kids…the magic doesn’t happen much. i think both of us aren’t thrilled with that ..but it’s the reality . So it wasn’t a big leap that I figured i wasn’t getting lucky yesterday so i invited a buddy over to watch the games. I didn’t know it but he brought his wife which made it more of a couples thing. My wife is not a big drinker but is a social one and her and her friend were cracking bottles of wine. Game Ends. Friends Leave. We’re a bit hammered, and i’m on cruise control cause my buddy brought over an edible for me.

Sitting by the firepit wife says she will be right back. my conservative, reserved wife walks back outside completely naked as says “do whatever you want to me. I’m yours”

[M]e and Maria[F]. Part III (cheating.. move on if it’s not for you)

Birthday Sex. We all have visions of getting a little crazy with our partner on our birthdays. For some , those thoughts become reality, for others , nothing more than a pipedream.

At this point, I was separated from my wife and no longer needed to sneak around. Maria wasn’t at that point yet , but it was her birthday and she simply told him she was leaving for the night with her girlfriends for her birthday.

We got a room at the casino. We had tickets to a concert. The plan was lots of sex. A nice dinner. more sex. A concert. more sex. And alcohol constantly flowing to loosen the mood.

I was fortunate in life. Money was something I was able to earn a lot of . Buying a gift wouldn’t be an issue. I set us up in a suite, and purhcased a naughty outfit from Bordelle.

I’ll fast forward to the end of the night, as it became one of the most memorable encounters we have had. Let me be clear, we had fucked literally a thousand times in our lives. for those that didn’t read my previous stories with Maria, we had reconnected with each other over various decades. We started in our teens, reconnected in our twenties, and now again in our thirties.

[M]e and Maria[F]… The Adventure Continues

It wasn’t long after our reconnection that we were insatiable with each other. We would drive to that hotel (100 miles of distance for each of us) weekly. The sex had escalated. 8 hour fuck fests fueled with a couple of drinks (to take edge off) and blue pills allowed me to perform my best with little to no refractory time. Our encounters were never long enough , and our appetite for each other’s bodies was so insatiable that a standard session became a marathon of 6-8 rounds at a time.

The following is a true recap of our first getaway together about 6 months (balls) deep into our reconnection.

It was snowing . Typical northeast winter day around here but we had a flight to catch. I arranged for a car to pick Maria up at her house and bring her to my hotel to pick me up so we could go to the airport to head out west .

It was 7AM when i opened the car door and she looked so gorgeous in her yoga pants and oversized hoodie as she welcomed me into the car with a warm embrace.

When We Were Young [MF]. [Cheating] [True]

This is a true story about 2 people reconnecting during a time when both people were in struggling marriages. This story involves cheating. Move on if it’s not for you .

I decided to bite the bullet. I hated social media. But I was bored at night sitting on the couch and wanted something to entertain me so i joined FB.

At first, it was fun . Reconnected a little bit with old friends, looked at pics of girls i used to date. and then i decided to look Maria up. Maria was my first. I was hers. We were 16. What we had was intense, and was on and off thru college. We fucked as teenagers. We fucked in our 20’s. Hell, we’ve probably fucked over 1000 times. It was never vanilla. It was always intense. Maria had the crazy eyes. Maria had an ass to kill for and a body that made most girls jealous .

It started with a “like” on one of her posts. Wasn’t long before we were “fb friends”. one night .. i decided to slide into her PM. This felt like a game, one that would be fun to play and one where nobody would ever cross that line.