I had been working as a supervisor at a manufacturing facility for just over two years when I seduced an executive at work. The fling went on for a number of months and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. We had some amazing encounters and it really helped to boost my self esteem.

One day the girls from the office decided to have a girls night out. We made plans for Friday to meet at ” The Point”. It was a trendy restaurant and bar that local up and coming mellenials frequented ( we weren’tcalled mellenials then). We had all had a number of drinks and ever so gradually the topic eased from work to sex. We talked about who thought who was hot and who was rumored to be sleeping with whom. Suddenly, Nicole the manager in accounting revealed that John thought I had a nice ass. I said ” no way” he’s never even so much as looked my way”. Nicole said ” that’s because you’re always facing the other way when he’s starring at your ass”. I smiled and exclaimed “Liar”! I didn’t want to seem the least bit interested. I didn’t want any unfounded rumors to get started at work.