[MFM] Me, my wife and her best friend – bi-curious

M came around 9 with two bottles of wine and a tequila, just like they ask him to bring. He seemed a bit nervous but smiling as he was pretty certain about what was going to happen.

D was in her blue summer dress with no bra and just some panties on, barefoot and smelling like coconut oil, from her body cream she applied not so many minutes before.

I had just showered literally minutes before the door rang and I was wearing a white towel around me. I was surrounded by a strong scent of chocolate and coffee, with my hair still wet.

The lights were dimmed and the music playing in the background sounded like a cuban band playing a R&B song in an infinite loop.

We sat down on the sofa and D, brought tequila and lemons and in no more than 10 minutes the bottle was empty and you could see that all 3 of us were more relaxed and with reddish cheeks, laughing at every silly joke I was making trying to decrease the tension.

I proposed then to play a game I didn’t play since high school, and that could prove a lot funnier at our age, « Truth or Dare ».