I love when it hurts (Ftm) (Master/free use kink mentioned)

Edit: My relationship is gay, so if that turns you off you should skip this particular post.

This is my first time making a genuine post here, and I’m nervous so please be kind… I am in a happy relationship, and don’t want dms. Thanks. Enjoy.

I am a trans man. I’ve been on T for half a year now. In my relationship, I tend to bottom, and sex is honestly kind of painful for me. (For those who are wondering, I do use the “front hole” for sex. Anal is just uncomfortable and painful in a bad way for me. As long as I don’t watch what’s happening and my fiance is mindful of his terminology and the way he’s doing things (which he always is, the angel) it doesn’t cause me too much dysphoria.)

As I mentioned, sex tends to be painful for me. Not usually to an insane degree, but every time my fiance thrusts into me, it hurts my insides. It makes me groan and cry out. It’s painful enough that we have a safeword set up just in case it becomes too much. Thing is, the pain feels good. I like when he strikes me deeply and it feels like a punch to my organs.

Letting your partner have their way with you?

I’d really love to read some good sexy stories about people who love letting their partner do whatever they want to them. I’m not sure what you’d even call that kink, but I absolutely love the idea of my partner taking what he wants from me when he wants it. I’d love to read stories about couples with that dynamic!

Can anyone direct me to some good ones and/or leave your own stories in the comments?


I have two siblings. Thinking about either of them in even mildly sexual situations make me uncomfortable to the point of wanting to vomit. Same with my parents, for the love of god! I CANNOT enjoy incest porn. In fact, I hate it. It makes me feel sick. But I swear to god I can’t go to any porn-related website, subreddit, group or platform without half of the shit I see being incest.

I can’t get off to it! It’s a HUUUUGE turn off!!! A lot of the time I’ll be starting to get off to something and it’ll hit me with that goddamn “mom” or “sis” or “bro” or “dad” shit. And no, putting “step” in front of any one of those words does not make it ANY less uncomfortable for me. It’s a boner killer, period. Is there anywhere I can go to not see this shit?? Is there even one place on the entire internet where I can go to jerk off without my fantasies being invaded and ruined by thoughts of family members???

And another huge turn off- rape! No means no. Period. My partner has trauma from having this happen to them. I don’t want to see stuff with it. At all. Ever.