So I take the train to work every day. It’s annoying, and usually the worst thing that can happen is that someone sits down next to you. You get all cramped, and usually the person sitting next to you is someone you have no interest in sitting close to.
But every once in a while, pretty girls will sit next to me. This perks me up a little, but usually nothing comes of it. I don’t talk to strangers on trains; I’m not a monster, after all. I just stare out the window. Still, when it happens, it’s a pleasant diversion from the tedium of the commute
Now when you take the train the same time every day, you start to recognize some of your fellow passengers. There was one very attractive girl who got on at the same stop as me every day. She looked like she was around my age. She was clearly a professional – she was always dressed in business clothes, always had her makeup on – she was very well put together. And everything about her was totally professional, but in a sexy way – her clothes were always just a little too tight, her skirts a little too high, her blouse opened one button more than you’d expect. Nothing out of line and, to be clear, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with dressing like that. But she really drew my eye, and one of the only good things about the commute was that I knew I’d see her.