[MFF] Fun with Molly and Intimacy NSFW

To tell this story I have set it up with some details.  34 yr old male here.  Married 14 years.  Wife and I grew up in a religious system and committed our entire lives to it.  Along the way we grew deeply disenchanted with our faith.  Came to see all religion as myth stories and often these stories were used as a weapon against folks who were different.  

We became deeply involved in standing up for those in the margins of our faith including LGBT folks.  At some point along the way we met with others who were on the same journey and like us they were slowly putting distance between their faith and the present ground they hold.  

We quickly made new friends and the folks we connected with seemed to value authenticity and new adventures.  This post-religion crowd often participated in risky behaviors involving sex and drugs far beyond the norm.  Seeing some dangers of that we chose to stay in circles that thought through such things carefully.  We were thoughtful about what adventures we tried and how we push boundaries without being crazy.