My friends big dick [Group] Part 2

Hi everyone. Its been a couple months since I’ve made a post with this throwaway and the reason was there hadn’t been any new developments after the conclusion of my last post. I never really expected there to be one but here I am. I hope you enjoy my telling of events as much as we enjoyed doing them.

So if you read my last post (which you should really do before reading this one)( []( ), then you know that Red moved down south and we’d made an agreement not to have any more sexual encounters. Well I ended up sending him a link to my post and it apparently got him in the mood to re-live past events.

He came up to visit some family for the holidays and spent the nights at our place so as not to play favorite with his relatives or have to spend money at a hotel. The first night he stayed with blonde and I was a Friday night, so we decided to go out for a couple drinks and watch a game at a local sports bar. My mother-in-law was kind enough to watch the kids for the night so my wife could join us.

My Friend’s Big Dick (Wifes perspective) [Group]

After my wife saw my post and a couple requests for her perspective she decided to write it down. We hope you enjoy it. Also here is a link to the my side of things if you aren’t in the know. [My Friend’s Big Dick [Group]](

I read my husband’s (yellow as he dubbed himself) story and it really made me start thinking about those days. I suppose I’ll follow his example and follow things chronologically, but focus a little more on the sex instead of the rest of it.

I was probably in high school when I first met Red. I didn’t really know anything about him other than he was Yellow’s best friend. I never really understood why they got along so well as they had very different interests. Red was a gamer and my husband was a hunter. That’s a very generalized summary but I feel it’s a good example.

There were the rumors in school that Yellow mentioned in his post, but I really only knew about Red’s situation because one of my friends were one of the girl’s who had been trying to get a little friendly with him.

My friends big dick [Group]

Hi everyone. I’m currently 28 years old [a guy], and I’m married with 3 kids. This isn’t really about me as much as it is my friend so I won’t really go much into detail about myself except that very average except for in the dick department. This is probably the part where you think “of course he has an above average dick”. Nope, kinda the opposite sadly.

I’m going to be making names up as I go along, but I’m thinking of going with colors, I hope you don’t mind. Obviously I’m not going to give real names. Lets call me Yellow, my friend Red, and my wife Blonde. Yes my wife is part of this, and yes it is for the reason you are probably guessing, but like I mentioned earlier, this is about him not me. So I’ll go through what I know about him in chronological order, which starts as second hand knowledge.