My country instated a law that an isolation period of two weeks was mandatory for everyone returning from abroad. I returned home from a work trip eight hours before these rules took effect. So under these circumstances, I would not have had to go into quarantine, my boss didn’t want to get Corona and sent me home anyway, telling me to stay isolated. (I get it, I would’ve done the same in his stead, though now I know I didn’t have Corona).
That was almost two weeks before the general lock-down for my country went into effect and everyone, who wasn’t essential for keeping the country running and its people alive had to stay home. So for my isolated, old ass being cooped up like a chicken was lasting two weeks longer than for most everyone else.
So being self-isolated upon returning home and being paid for staying home on my couch seemed like a sweet deal at first. But then Corona became even bigger of a thing and the lock-down/ quarantine rules were extended. So I smoothly progressed from self-isolation to lock-down and from being deadly bored to being depressed about it.