The lipstick color was ‘Heroine’. Not ‘violet’ or the sweeter, passive ‘lilac’: something to be plucked and displayed in a vase, sniffed delicately. The color of an insignia on a page, an action-movie costume. Panned up to reveal a direct gaze, holding with an adversary in the face of certain danger.
And though not dangerous in the usual way, I looked up into an unfamiliar face, wide, dark eyes sliding lower in tandem with the movement of my lips on his shaft. Halfway down, his lashes screened his eyes, giving him a shyly lazy look. I popped him out of my mouth: a wet, thick, treat of a cock, glistening under the fluorescent lights. His gaze flicked from my smile further downward, exhaling in a sharp huff; I didn’t need to look to know he was seeing the smudge of purple lipstick near the base, shading faintly upward toward the foreskin and shiny, delicate head. The pinks of my tongue and that sensitive skin shockingly close, intimate, as I lapped while he was watching, enveloping him once more between soft and clever – if slightly less brightly colored now – lips.