Finding a small spark again [FM]

We’ve been in a rough patch lately. Refinancing our house, remodeling our homes exterior, and many 4AM mornings to open up the factory had taken it’s toll on our closeness.  Things were so tense that even a simple hug could result in tense words and us avoiding each other.  “Sometimes I’m afraid we’re too far gone” she texted me after one such incident as I sat sulking in the garage having a smoke.  A difficult conversation followed about where do we go from here.  It was hard, we were both so unfulfilled at the time if either of us would have called it quits the other wouldn’t have argued. It wasn’t that we wanted to go our separate ways just that we weren’t connected and we needed reassurance from each other that the other was still in this thing we have built. So after talking through some of our unfulfilled needs we both felt better, and agreed we needed to focus on having more of these talks and get everything back on the table so we could start the long process of working through things.

Beg for my cum sweet heart [MF]

Preface; I’m still finding my voice and how to relate our adventures to the rest of the world. She reads all posts to make sure everything is captured to our best memory before they go live. She loves hearing that we have new followers and seeing people’s reactions.

We finally managed a night without anyone in the house. Covid protocols had resulted in us not having a night alone in our house in over 6 months and our time had finally arrived. The night would end with her begging me to cum down her throat in exchange for one more orgasm.

Dinner was underwhelming. Steaks at a national chain and wine that tasted like it was opened last week. But the food was hot, the company was amazing and the wine was well, alcohol. There are far worse ways to spend an evening.

We both droned on about our week while the other feigned listening, knowing that we both need to vent and if you can’t vent with your best friend who can you vent to. After a little more then an hour our check arrived and was promptly paid. Tonight was not going to be a night of endless drinks and conversation. There was a lust between us that needed to be fulfilled.

The night she almost broke me [MF] – BDSM – Femdom – Long

Good night little one I said as I tucked our daughter into bed. The challenges of raising a child and keeping the spark of my 17 year marriage weighing heavy on my mind. Here I held the most precious gift ever bestowed on us giving her cuddles and wishing her good night while thinking about the mischievous almost dangerous look my wife had given me a few minutes prior.

It was a weekend night and that usually meant there would be an intimate encounter between us. While the life of full time parents and industry professionals often doesn’t leave time for adult encounters through the week we still manage time on the weekends. Leaving our daughters room I immediately headed to the shower in anticipation of what that look meant and hoping the sound of running water would help the little one fall to sleep quickly so as to not interrupt our time with the need for a glass of water or other such parental duty.