[MF] I lied to my girlfriend for my own sexual pleasure

The most fucked up thing I’ve done that I can think of was with my long term then-girlfriend. She’s from the US and I’m from Germany. When we moved here together for a while, she wanted to see physiatrist for some mild issues with her back. So i took her to one that I’ve known as a personal family friend since I was little.

So we get there and they tell me what’s gonna be done and what’s required. Basically she needs to strip down to her underwear and (sports)bra, they take x-rays of her whole body, then the doctor performs a physical exam on her and lastly he sets her joints. Since she barely speaks German, I vaguelay translate it to her, we go to the x-ray waiting room and wait. Then, and i don’t why, I get quite horny and get the fantasy of her being naked for this whole oredeal. So after a little thinking I excuse myself and leave to speak to the receptionist. I tell her that due to the warm weather my girlfriend isn’t wearing any underwear and ask if that’s a problem. She hasitates, tells me that it’s unusual but it’s fine. So I walk back to my girlfriend and tell her that they absolutely require her to be buck naked for this. She gets upset about it but eventually gives in and accepts it.