[FFM] Discovering her fetish

Ava was a housewife like any other. She would wake up early in the morning to do her make up and make a lovely breakfast for her husband. He only deserved the best after all. After he left she would spend her time keeping the house tidy and doing little things like yoga and meditation to keep herself fit and happy. Lately she had picked up a bird watching hobby, which was far more interesting than people gave it credit for.

They had their ups and downs but it was a happy marriage. That is until one day she found what looked to be the leftover traces of purple lipstick on his collar. She brought the shirt to her nose and inhaled deeply. There was clearly a woman’s perfume lingering on it. So strongly that it couldn’t just be a quick hug. She knew it right then that her husband was probably cheating on her.

[MMF] The Annoying Little Sister

Jacob, Otto, and Tyler had been best friends since they were young. Jacob’s family was a bit more ‘well to do’ than Otto and Tyler’s. Jacob even had his own Atari and TV in his room, so naturally the boys would end up hanging out at Jacob’s house playing video games together on his Atari. However whenever they did Jacob’s annoying little sister Sadie would butt in and demand to be included. Jacob’s mom would always take her side and insist the boys try to get along with her as well. They begrudgingly allowed Sadie to stay in the room and watch them play but they didn’t interact with her much. Maybe the odd bit of chit chat and let her play a round or two but otherwise kept to their little group. This continued all throughout high school but eventually the trio went their separate ways to college.

A few years passed, the boys were still in college and Sadie had graduated highschool. That summer Jacob had called up the guys and asked them if they wanted to meet up, go back to their old hometown and hang out like they used to. Neither had much going on and readily agreed. They were all feeling a little homesick after all. They all went home, reconnected with their families for a few days and finally met up back at Jacob’s place just like the old days.

Finding out his friend is actually a girl (and has a crush on him)

Alex had been seeing this new guy, David. He came up to her on orientation day and was super friendly. Usually she wouldn’t go for guys like him but David had a certain charm and innocence to him that she found hard to resist. He was a looker, definitely didn’t have any problems with the ladies. When he approached her it didn’t seem like he was trying too hard or just trying to get in her pants. He just seemed genuinely interested in talking to her. After a bit of back and forth after an hour he had asked her out for drinks and she agreed. She had a great time. They chugged down a copious amount of beer and he was surprisingly open as a person. Most guys tried to avoid certain topics when talking to women but he just came right out with it. That kind of genuineness was hard to come by and Alex found herself strangely attracted to it.

[MMF] It’s hard being the middle child

It was tough being the middle child. Ellie’s older brother got to do whatever he wanted because he was first and had seniority to boss her and her little brother around. Her little brother got to do whatever he wanted because he was the youngest and was spoiled rotten. She was always the responsible one that had to take care of her brothers. Philip and Brad were *such* a hassle.

Now I know what you’re thinking, Philip is probably the younger one and nerdy? While Brad was older and more athletic? Other way around. Phil might have gotten a nerdy name but he didn’t get the nerdy genes. He was athletic, popular, and cocky down to his bones. He had every reason to be, and being the eldest only made him all the more insufferable. Brad was the younger one and was more quiet, bookish, and a bit nerdy.

Both of them were incredibly good looking though. Ellie heard a lot of compliments from her friends about how hot they were, and her friends would beg for her to introduce them. To which Ellie would always reply “Oh god no. Trust me I’m doing you a favor. They are *insufferable*.”

[MMF] The Annoying Little Sister (part 2)

You can find part 1 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/mew0mc/mmf_the_annoying_little_sister/)


Tyler sat on the bed next to Jacob’s little sister, Sadie, as she gleefully batted her eyelashes at him. He had just seen her and Otto fooling around, his hands on her bared breasts and now it seemed like she had turned her sights on him. He tried to ignore her but he could feel her eyes boring into him. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and confronted her. “What?” He said in an unamused tone.

Sadie giggled at his reaction. “Well~. I was just wondering. Are you an ass guy or a boobs guy?” Tyler’s eyes went wide and his face went wide with embarrassment at the sudden lewd question. It reminded him of the eyeful of her breasts that he had just gotten.

“*Ahem* Shouldn’t you be more modest about that?” He replied and tried to look stern but failed spectacularly.

“Come on~ I’m just curious.” Next to him Sadie’s elbows began to touch and squeezed her breasts together until they threatened to spill out. She shook her hips from side to side, wiggling her cute little butt like a cat about to pounce on its prey. Tyler noticed every one of these little actions and figured that if he didn’t answer she would probably get more bold.

[MMF] The Annoying Little Sister

Jacob, Otto, and Tyler had been best friends since they were young. Jacob’s family was a bit more ‘well to do’ than Otto and Tyler’s. Jacob even had his own Atari and TV in his room, so naturally the boys would end up hanging out at Jacob’s house playing video games together on his Atari. However whenever they did Jacob’s annoying little sister Sadie would butt in and demand to be included. Jacob’s mom would always take her side and insist the boys try to get along with her as well. They begrudgingly allowed Sadie to stay in the room and watch them play but they didn’t interact with her much. Maybe the odd bit of chit chat and let her play a round or two but otherwise kept to their little group. This continued all throughout high school but eventually the trio went their separate ways to college.

A few years passed, the boys were still in college and Sadie had graduated highschool. That summer Jacob had called up the guys and asked them if they wanted to meet up, go back to their old hometown and hang out like they used to. Neither had much going on and readily agreed. They were all feeling a little homesick after all. They all went home, reconnected with their families for a few days and finally met up back at Jacob’s place just like the old days.

[MMMF] Shared around watching the game (Part 2 of shared around series)

Part 1 can be found here: [[MMMF] Shared around the hot tub](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/l01ocq/mmmf_shared_around_the_hot_tub/)


Bella woke up to the gentle morning sun warming her cheek.


It felt like she had climbed a mountain with how sore her body felt, but in that soreness there was also a feeling of lightness, like her body had been massaged. Every muscle was thoroughly loose and her head was still hazy. She lifted her hands up to her temples to massage them as she tried to remember why she was such a mess.

*I must have drunk too much last night, but why am I so sore? Especially down…Oh shoot.*

The memories came flooding back. First she was on someone’s lap, then their…inside her…then she…on top…then it was someone else’s turn…and they…and she was doing… oh god. It came back as tiny bits and pieces but even those tiny bits were absolutely scandalous. She remembered moaning like a bitch in heat as she rode their cocks. That’s right, not *his* cock, *their* cocks, multiple! She had only ever fucked her husband before but in one night she had fucked three different cocks all in a row as they passed her around like a sex doll. Drunk Bella had even smiled, pumped her hips and begged for more as she rode them again and again.

[M4F] He’s going to regret this [forced cuckold][cheating]

Molly’s heart felt like it was going to burst. To her left was her handsome, sweet, loving, perfect boyfriend Noah. To her right was his best friend Oliver. Tall, dark, and handsome Oliver.


He was taller than Noah. His 6’2 to Noah’s 5’11. His rippling muscles to Noah’s moderate stature. His green eyes to Noah’s brown. His strong bearded jaw to Noah’s smooth chin. His glowing bronze skin to Noah’s pale red. In short they couldn’t be more different. Molly had never thought about being unfaithful to Noah, even with Oliver. Though her eyes did sometimes wander she knew someone like Oliver could never give her what she wanted. A healthy stable happy family. He always had some different pretty girl on his arm. If she ever got together with him she knew she would be tossed aside just like all his other little trophies. Whereas Noah really and truly appreciated and loved her in every way. She was very glad to be his girlfriend.

Shared around the hot tub

Bella arrived at the lakehouse at around 6pm. Originally her husband was supposed to come but a work emergency took him away for the weekend and he’d insisted she could go alone. The trip was supposed to be her, her husband, three of his male friends, and one of their girlfriends. It was supposed to be relatively safe. Another woman would be there to give her some company at least.

She saw their three cars already at the house and parked off to the side. It was just one weekend so her bags weren’t too big. Just a few changes of clothes and one or two bikinis.

The door was unlocked so she let herself in and was met with surprised stares from the guys. Her husband had called them earlier and told them he couldn’t make it so they all assumed she wouldn’t be coming either. They had already made themselves comfortable, broken out copious amounts of beer, and gotten down to their swim trunks ready to head off to the hot tub. She had no idea why they were looking at her like that and just gave a cursory “Hi guys. Ben said he couldn’t make it but I could come anyways. Soooo let’s have fun this weekend!” The guys looked at each other and shrugged. They were expecting a guy’s weekend but it wasn’t a big deal to have a lady around.