About a year ago, I finally sold out and started working an office job. It’s my first time in about 15 years in an office environment, having fended for myself on the consultancy and contracting vibe, but an opportunity came up that was worth giving up my freedom. I love and hate it, to be truthful.
The environment I work in is about twenty people, and it’s within the arts, and thus dominated by women. I have my own office, and just outside that is my admin girl. Not a secretary, not officially my assistant (L), but I’ve definitely co-opted her for my own use. The running joke in the office is that she’s my work wife, and I, her work husband. (L) came up with that terminology herself, which I was always just the teeniest bit uncomfortable with. The rest of the office has been using it was well. Stranger still, to me, is that she even introduced me to her actual husband as her work husband. I could tell by the look on his face he fucking hated it.