Writing prompts removed my story because it was too risqué. I thought you guys would be better able to appreciate it. It’s an interdimensional love story

January 22nd, 1990. That was the day I caught the only person I’d ever loved eating the brains out of a dude’s head like a soft-boiled egg. How could I love someone whose entire purpose in this world was to kill humans and eat their brain? She was what people referred to as a demon, though she preferred to call herself a “higher dimensional being”.

See, humans are one of the few fourth dimensional beings that are capable of complex cognition. Our intelligence and memories are valuable to higher dimensional beings because they are a source of knowledge from a perspective they can never take. The quickest access to this knowledge is simply to consume it at the source.

When I walked in on Silene I let out a horrified gasp. “What the fuck is going on here?”. She looked up from her meal with a sardonic smile. Blood and viscera coated her face. She looked like me after a couple drinks on on wing night. “Just let me finish babe”. I stared at her incredulously. “Are you fucki-BLARFGHH”. My lunch spewed out my mouth, rendering me unable to talk for a couple minutes.