This story is a bit older, from 2016. but I just love how naughty it is and love remembering it, so I finally decided that I’ll write it out here for you guys.
My boyfriend and I were together for just over 8 months and it was early June. People were celebrating the end of the school year, there were lots of parties and it was finally warm enough for swimming.
I was partying for a few days prior to this, so I decided to take things easy and invited and old friend John to go and relax with me near the river. I would’ve normally asked my boyfriend, but he was on a trip for 3 weeks at the time and there was another week before he’d come home. Even if he was home, he wouldn’t mind if I went with John because they knew each other and he knew how much John meant to me.
We decided to meet at 7pm, which was a bit late, but we agreed not to stay too long and get some rest. He said he’d bring something to drink and I had to bring snacks and cards, in case we got bored.