When I (M) had a threesome with two women [MFF]

It was almost a decade ago, and I had an ex-girlfriend/friend I’ll call Brenda that I hung out and had sex with on occasion. During the time we knew each other, I’d learned of her “sister”, her best friend from across the country where she used to live. I also found out she was physically attracted to her bff, who I’ll refer to as Tammy. I kinda had a fantasy in the back of my mind of having fun with both of them, but I’d only ever seen old pictures of her and it was never discussed or anything.

The year this happened, however, Tammy had moved to the same city as Brenda and I. When I met Tammy, I remember thinking she was just naturally beautiful. The type of face that looked good from any angle wearing any expression, as if carefully modelled by a sculptor to be seen like that. She was tall and thin, long black hair with straight-across bangs, freckles, glasses. She contrasted Brenda, who was 5’1″, 130 curvy pounds, and a red head with a cute round face. We struck up a friendship through Brenda in which I learned she had always had a thing for Brenda, too. Things were just lining themselves up at that point, and yea I was thinking hmm I wonder…