The Virgin’s Birthday Chapter 1 [Fiction] [M/F] [First Time] [Critique Wanted] [First Story] [NSFW] [Fantasy] [Supernatural]

I’ve recently decided to try my hand at erotic fiction and I’d like some critique on the first chapter I’ve written for my first story:


Hi, my name is Dave. Today is my 21st birthday and something really weird happened to me this morning.

Actually, I think I might be getting ahead of myself. Maybe I should tell you a little about myself first.

Yeah. Let’s start there.

I’ve always been pretty awkward in social situations. In highschool I said weird things because I didn’t pick up on social cues very well. I also wasn’t very familiar with various slang terms so I didn’t know what people were talking about all the time. That meant that I wouldn’t get most of the jokes people were telling or really understand what they were talking about. When I did get the joke my reactions made people… uncomfortable.