The start of something, part2[sister in law, sfw(so far)]

The weekend passed and I did not hear from nor see her, which sent me through the typical emotional spiral of fear and anger but finally settling on acceptance.

Was she mad at me? Did I mis-understand what had happened? Read too much into what she was projecting? Difficult to say without talking to her. Should I call?

No. If she wanted to move what ever was happening forward, it would have to be at her pace.

Monday came, and though I promised to let it go as a passing fancy, I could not stop thinking about her, her toes, and what this might all mean.

Now to clarify, I have no particular affinity for feet themselves. While clean, dainty and well kept feet are a delight, I have no interest in anything less than, well, the feet of a Princess.

And that she has in spades.

I do, however, appreciate the status of serving at the feet of a Princess, and the role of both parties.

As you can see, my acceptance is but fleeting.

But I bargain with myself that I can continue to fantasies about this, but if I don’t hear from her by the end of tomorrow, it will end there.

Niece, part3[domination]

Later on that day:

“Hey uncle”, she bounces into the room in a much better mood.

“Sup girrrrrrl?”

And she plots into my lap as she usually does. A 22 year old child.

She leans into me as we watch TV for a while.

She wiggles and squirms but nothing unusual, but then settles on top of me in a dangerous way.

Resting her head near my shoulder she whispers:

“I’ve decided not to tell anyone”.



Oh no!

“But now I know something you don’t want others to know. Do you know what that means? Do you?”

“Please. Please don’t do this.”

“To late. And I can feel you trying to resist me. It wont work.

Do you feel that?” As she pressing down into me.

“Yes, and please stop now.”

“No thanks. I want to make sure you understand me.”

“I do, i do, just please stop. I can’t. You’re on me just right.”

“Let me just see…if i wiggle my butt a little…can i feel just how right it is?

Niece, part2[the aftermath]

I see her again at a family gathering and she slides up to me in the corner.

Her attitude is quite different now, bolder I think.

“Hey uncle mark…it was nice to catch you the other day. Catch up with you I mean.

I hope i didn’t interupt and ruin your fun?”

“I was just working”.

“Yeah right. I saw you “working”. She’s here you know. Becky. She’s here today.

Are you going to stare at her in person like you did her pictures?”


“Yeah. I saw everything dirty old perv.”

Ok, her tone was not bolder it was mad.

“We can’t talk about this here”, i plead.

“Why not? Don’t you think she should know her pervy uncle was … doing that to her pictures?!”

“Please, not here. Let’s go to the TV room and I can explain”

She tromps off to the game room in the basement and I follow without chasing.

“Look dear, I was just working on my computer and was tired. I had to see if my laptop would show pictures and videos and junk so I just switched over to those and, things got out of control, that’s all. Nothing serious happened.”

Niece, part1[uncle/niece, the start]

I was caught.

It was my own fault of course, but not for reasons you might think.

I had picked up a new laptop and was rebuilding it while sitting in my recliner in the living room, watching whatever football game was on.

Doing legitimate work, it didn’t really occur to me to consider that by sitting in this chair, anyone on my porch could easily look in the window and see what was on my screen.

And as is typical, while updates were applying and things were doing there things for the install, I had ended up on FB just checking out family business.

Which includes links to my wife’s niece, who is getting ready for a 2nd marriage at the age of 24.

The marriage itself isn’t important in this story, but it does explain why there are so many pictures of her being posted recently.

In fact, this story has nothing to do with her at all.

However, there were lots of pictures, lots of waiting, and lots of free time.

I inevitably started saving some of the better ones.

The start of something[mf4, sister-in-law]

I came home the other day and thought the house was empty but when I turned into the living room I found my sister in law in sleep on our oversided beanbag in front of the fire….not an unusual place to find her, but typical someone else is home at the time.

She was asleep as i walked into the room, and after looking around for anyone else who might be there, decided to just let her sleep.

However, as she was laying flat on her stomach I did take the opportunity to have a look.

She has a small frame, but a shapely body, and laying as she was I had the best view I could hope for, for the time being.

I’m not sure if I let slip with a “daaaaamn” or not, but apparantly she woke and noticed me in the glass of the fireplace and caught me staring at her.

I didn’t notice at first, but then our eyes met in the glass she grinned from ear to ear as I blushed just as much.

“Hey”….she said.
