[M]y attempt to seduce a lesbian [F]riend results in a hot, genderfluid hookup

I’m a straight guy who’s been experimenting with genderfluidity for a couple years now. This story is one of the first incidents that got the ball rolling, back from when I was just out of college, working an office job with a bunch of other young people.

The co-worker I hit it off with the most was Sam, a girl who I swear to god looked exactly like Kristen Stewart. She was an alpha personality and had a really androgynous vibe, cute face and an amazing body. Our dress code at work was pretty loose and she constantly wore short shorts that showed off her long, sexy legs. She told me she only dated girls and I told her I understood, but that didn’t stop me from developing a huge crush on her.

As the months went by, we would go out drinking. We talked a lot about gender and sexuality because I was really intrigued by the types of girls she hooked up with: they were all a lot more femme than Sam was. They wore dresses, had longer hair, etc. I asked her if that meant she saw herself as more of a guy. Sam told me she didn’t think of herself as a guy, but she felt more confident and sexy when she was dressed in a more masculine style. I told her I agreed and I thought she looked a lot sexier in sambas than most other girls looked in heels.