Masters cock (FM). [short slice of life]

It’s never in need of me, there are many options, yet sometimes it chooses to be in me. I know this is my place, because what else makes me feel so good?

Masters cock fills me more than anything or anyone. It alone gives me purpose. I exist solely to take it in. That is what my body is built for, I almost do not need a mind.

When I have troubling thoughts, masters cock takes them away. Removes any unnecessary oxygen from my head until I’m happy again and can’t think of my problem. It is the solution to everything in my life.

Every day I wait for masters cock to come home. On my knees for the return. Until finally the door opens and I get purpose again. It fills me and makes me warm and weak. It also always leaks into me, but master says this is my reward.

I can not live without my masters cock. It is my master, and I am it’s tool….

Teachers Pet (FM)

(New to making a story, but wanted to make a short prompt. Hope someone enjoyed this!)

“Do not disturb” read the little card that hung outside your office door. The metal doors glass windows blinds were closed shut, door handle locked.

It was usually your office hours, when students were allowed to come and ask for help, but now they disappointedly walked past, wondering what was so important that their teacher had to close his office off…

Was the renounced Nobel prize winning professor, Dr. James Hodins, in a deep study on some ground breaking topic? Was he writing some brilliant mathematical equations on his white board?

Or maybe he wasn’t doing any such thing…maybe behind his important and proper stature, behind his presence as a professional teacher of science, and underneath that calm reserved figure was a different person entirely..

“What’s the answer to the question?” He growled into my ear in a soft and demanding tone. Sending shivers through every part of my vulnerable body. I could only stammer out a breath or two in unsureness, before I felt the sharp pain of my professors rough hsnd strike my ass. His other hand pinning me to his desk as he watches me cry and kick about in pain.