Parent Teacher Conferences

I love my kids. I love my kids. I love my kids. I repeat that mantra as I rush home from work. Between rushing around to everything after work I never have time for myself and today was no different. Tonight was parent-teacher conferences and I already had a headache. My son, just like his father, was great at refusing to do anything besides play games. It was a struggle at home and has become a struggle at school.

His teacher, Mr. Anderson, and I have been in contact through email all semester. That should calm my nerves but I was still anxious about meeting him face to face and for him to tell me how shitty of a parent I was. I got home to find my son and his dad lounging on the couch playing games. I rushed around to make dinner and clean the house before quickly freshening up and running to the school.

I pulled into the parking lot of the school at 740. I had chosen the latest appointment time at 745 so I could manage to not have to rush around so much. I check myself in the car mirror as I take the keys out of the ignition. I had freshened up my makeup before leaving the house and still had my heels and dress on from work. I didn’t look nearly as frazzled as I felt.

Categorized as Erotica

New Gym Equipment [MF]

New Gym Equipment [MF]

*Ping* [Meet me at my truck before you head in]

I am pulling into the gym parking lot when my phone went off with that message. We had been “continuing our exercise” in his truck after our workouts for the last 3 weeks. No matter how light my workout was in the gym I knew I could always get a harder post work-out pump in with him. I saw his truck parked in the back of the parking lot and pulled up beside him. He motioned me to the passenger side, and I walked around and jumped in.

“Hey baby, Good morning” He was looking at me with his signature smile- with the corner of his mouth up. The one where I knew there was something mischievous behind his eyes.

I leaned in to give him a kiss. I couldn’t help myself by to slide onto his lap, my body automatically responding to being in his proximity. My pelvis started to grind onto him, and I could feel his erection growing. I broke away from our kiss and whispered in his ear “Lets skip the gym this morning.”

My Gym Guy [MF]

Even though I had been going to the gym for six months, I still felt like an outsider. I wasn’t a gym rat, but I really enjoyed going. I loved how I could see my ass get more and more toned, my stomach and arms get more defined, and my stamina increase tenfold. It hasn’t made me into a body builder, and I still have my soft curves but I kind of like it like that. I go to the gym every morning at 6am like clockwork. So do about 25 other people. Either body builders or cardio masters. Everyday I wonder if I am at the right place, nobody else looks like me. No one else has the soft curves or the big chest. I throw my headphones on listen to some music and drown out the rest of the gym goers. This is my time.

Our First Weekend [MF]

“Tonight’s the night, Kassandra.” The text beeped through my phone. I was sitting at my desk at work barely able to concentrate. I had a countdown on my phone for 28 days. Counting down the time when I finally got to see him again. It went slow and fast all at once. Soon the 4 weeks turned into 10 days and the 10 days turned into 36 hours and then here we are 45 minutes until quitting time and 45 more minutes until we are together.

“I haven’t been able to concentrate all day. I should have just taken today off.” I quickly shot a text back to him. We started a long distance relationship four months ago. What started with mild flirting turned into so much more very quickly. Soon I was staying up late just to talk to him. He knew my darkest secrets and my deepest desires, and I felt I knew him that well too.

The Contract [MF]

I couldn’t settle down. I was at a heightened state of arousal all morning. Being in the same room as Noah all day was like torture. How was I supposed to get any work done when I could feel him staring at me all day? It’s almost noon, and Noah hadn’t said a word to me once Tom from facilities had set up my desk and equipment in our joint office. I could feel him looking at me, and every time I dared to look at him, he would give me a quick smile. Did I imagine everything from this morning? Did he mention something about a contract? I was so confused.

Right at noon, there was a knock on the office door, and Jill popped her head in. “Noah, I’m going to run and grab lunch from the cafeteria. Would you like me to show you the way?” 

“Thanks, Jill, that sounds good. The morning got away from me.” Noah looked up at Jill with a smile. He turned to look at me. “Kassandra, would you like to join us?”

The New Project Manager [Mf]

I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned all night long. It was 3am Monday morning. I didn’t have to be up for 3 more hours. Or even be to work until 8 am, but I just couldn’t sleep. I felt flush. My whole body warm. I had slipped off my silk pajama set at midnight, hoping that would help, but then I was just laying in bed naked yet still warm.

I glanced over at my closet for what seemed like the 100th time that night. My clothes hanging on my closet door ironed and ready for work. Black pencil skirt, bright red blouse, and a black blazer, my red stilletos sitting on the floor right under the outfit. Looking at it made my whole body quiver. Images of that night flashing through my head, like a movie on fast forward. Sometimes, it felt like it happened a lifetime ago, and sometimes, it felt like it happened just a few minutes ago. It was two nights ago, and my life changed only two nights ago. I met Noah only two nights ago.

Conference Stranger [MF]

I have always taken control of my life. I am woman with three planners and multiple to-do lists and I am highly organized. Sex had always been good, but to me it was always task oriented. Get my partner off, he will fall asleep and then I’ll finish myself. The story that is familiar to most women.

That was until I met Noah. At that time in my life I could be described as the epitome of the girl next door. Dark eyes, dark wavy hair, booty and boobs with a smallish waist. I wouldn’t be called skinny but athletic with curves in just the right places. The innocent Catholic small town girl.