My best friend and I have both had sex with his girlfriend together. There are several stories from the times we hooked up I want to share, this is the second story I’ve written about it
I was pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback for my last post here, I honestly wasn’t sure if anyone would like it seeing how kinky we can get, but I was too horny not to share!
Continuing the adventures of myself, Ash and Gray!
This is probably the third or fourth time the three of us had sex together, and Ash had got more comfortable instigating every time. We could tell she loved having us both, the teasing, the thrill of having two guys all over her, she felt like a goddess. After our second time together as a group, she told Gray and I that she would wear a specific red dress next time she wanted us to both take her home, her secret way of “putting out” just for us two