He handed me over to his just-turned-eighteen year old brother in some random parking lot for his birthday. [FM]

over the years, there are a few fucks that were just so goddamn hottt that i almost always find myself coming back to cum while remembering them… and there was this one night in particular when a few special men gifted me with my sluttiest experiences ever, pretty much forcing me into a sexual peak at a very young eighteen. it’s been nothing but chasing the dragon ever since.

i met this man one evening when he picked me up while i was walking home, it was well after midnight and i remember this convertible driving by and the man behind the wheel catching my eye. i was walking in the direction he was driving from and he whipped out the fastest, tightest u-turn i have ever seen anyone make, and he came screeching up to my side to offer me a ride – he absolutely could sense the slut within me. i accepted and slid into the front seat, pretty much right into his hands and he furiously finger fucked me before dropping me off at home, just after two a.m.