How She [F] ended up cheating on her husband with me [M], her colleague

*I am writing this story for my pleasure and the pleasure of anyone who might enjoy reading it. It happened between two consensual adults. I am not asking for marital advice or moral judgments, as I have long been reflexing on the pros and cons of our actions.*

*Also, I have not a native English speaker, so please be patient with my grammar…*

Let me first get this straight. I have a Rule : I never fuck colleagues. I do not flirt at work, or even outside of work with my colleagues. It’s not that I don’t want to. I work in a environment where young, beautiful females are legion. But it is also a small, conservative environment.

Also, we live in a post Me Too world, and i do not want to make a colleague feel uneasy at work, even more since I have become a manager at a pretty young age for this job. My career is too precious and I do not be catalogued as a pervert over an incomprehension.