Make me (M/F 30’s, brat, spanking, sex,)

Many thanks to user gfdprincess, who inspired this post with her really fabulous question about how to respond to a brat saying ‘make me’. It turned out rather wholesome, all thoughts considered.

I also realize I made some assumptions here, that everybody is capable of holding a remote control for the tv up with their boobs. For SCIENCE I probably need more people to try it.

“Make me”

He glanced to the other end of the couch, where she sat ignoring him studiously while scrolling on her phone. A moment ago he’d asked her to pass him the remote.

There was a hint of a smirk on her face as he slowly reached across the couch to pluck the phone from her hands and place it on the arm of the couch beside her. Then, in one smooth motion he’d caught her behind the head and pulled her over onto his lap, facedown.

She squealed in protest, but not really, only wriggling a bit to better centre herself. With one hand he pinned her upper back against his thigh, and with the other he yanked down her sweatpants and panties.

Cocks and cookies [(MF40’sx4)(MM40’s)] quickies, cheating.

A friend recently suggested this, and I haven’t written anything in a while. But what if you could add a ‘special’ request to that note field when local dad delivers your order fundraiser cookies? Maybe he’s here to put a little chunk in your chocolate? A little… brittle in that peanut butter? (I’ll workshop these)

Name: Abbi’s mum

Number of boxes of cookies: 2


Time: 8:15-8:30am

Notes for delivery: I have fifteen minutes. Use the side door, I’ll be waiting in the garage. I want you to bend me over the washing machine and fuck me senseless during the spin cycle. Pull my hair and tell me I’m pretty in sweatpants.

Name: Gwenneth’s mom

Number of boxes of cookies: 5


Time: 11:30am



Name: Sativa’s mum

Number of boxes of cookies: 10

Time 12:30

Notes for delivery: Josh took the kids to visit his mom so we have the house to ourselves. I’m so excited and can’t wait to see you.

Helping Hand [30F30M] [masturbation, texting, short]

*just a short chat exchange between consenting adults. #goals am I right?*


Dadrod: what’s up?

ExposedAnkles: every fucking thing. I forgot my lunch and the train was late and my boss is an asshole. I’m just so fucking DONE with this day and life and everything else.

Dadrod: Do you want to talk about it?

ExposedAnkles: I want to stab somebody

Dadrod: mm. You should get naked.

ExposedAnkles: How is THAT going to help???

Dadrod: Be good.

ExposedAnkles: …

ExposedAnkles: ok fine.

Dadrod: I want you to take everything off except your bra. Leave that on. A tiny bit of restriction around your ribs, to remind you that I’m right here.

ExposedAnkles: cause you lift me up?

Dadrod: I try. What toys are charged right now?

ExposedAnkles: the hitachi, since it’s always plugged in, and the teal one that looks like a unicorn horn.

Dadrod: perfect. I want you to kneel on the bed close to the headboard, put your phone on the headboard ledge so you can see what I’m typing.

Recovered memories [st8, M50’s/F19]

I’ll admit, I can’t remember if I fucked my professor or not.

Now, this all happened a really long time ago when I was in Uni.

But lately I’ve been having the strangest dreams about that time… They’re always the most intense after days I do yoga. They’ve been going on for awhile now and I wake up not sure if I’m remembering a dream or the dream of a dream.

I was nineteen. I don’t remember how old he was for sure, but I know he had kids a bit older than me.

I’m sorry, the details are kind of fuzzy! I’m just.. I wanted to get this off my chest, you know?

How do you even forget who you slept with? Did I block it out? I think back to those university days, and they’re fuzzy and incomplete. I alway chalked it up to my poor memory (… and the drinking. WOW did we drink a lot!)

The frog and the princess [25F, spanking, humiliation, coercion] PART 2

“Summon a servant” barked the frog. The princess, confused, complied. A young woman, about twenty, appeared and curtseyed. Her eyes darted to the frog and the princess knew that the gossip had already spread around the castle about their strange guest.
“Can you count?” Asked the frog to the servant girl.
“Yes sir” she said.
“Good, then I wish you to count the seconds it takes the princess to retrieve the ball the next time I throw it. Can you do that?”
The princess’s cheeks burned red. It was enough of an indignity to crawl about at the behest of a frog, but now this servant would see her also.
The servant girl nodded slowly, her eyes fixed on the princess.
The frog gleefully launched the ball and the princess crawled after it. She could hear the servant girl counting reluctantly and she made an effort to retrieve the ball quickly. It still took her twenty three seconds to do so.
“Twenty-three!“ said the frog gleefully. “You will regret being so slow princess. Now come bend over the bed and put your face here on your pillow so that I might look at it.” The princess staggered to her feet confused.
“Servant girl, I wish for you to administer the princesses punishment for I lack the arms to do so. One smack for each second I think, that should inspire her to do better next time.”
The princess sputtered with rage and stamped her foot. “I will not consent to be.. spanked! By a servant girl! This is outrageous frog, you demand too much.”
“I demand what is owed” said the frog “as you promised me anything I wished. I wish to play a game, are you not having fun? Remember you are bound by your promise”
Tears streamed down the princesses face as she stalked to the side of the bed and bent over, her bottom high in the air. She laid her head on the pillow and eyed the frog with rage in her eyes and heart.
“Gather up her skirts” said the frog to the servant girl who obeyed mutely, lifting the princesses heavy dress and exposing her thin cotton undershorts.
“Flat of the hand, alternate buttocks. And do count out loud please. Also, do not go so easy on her just because she is your princess. I shall simply make you start over.”
The princess braced herself but was unprepared when the calloused hand of the servant girl came down hard across her left butt cheek. SMACK. the noise seemed to resound around the room. SMACK. the servant girl counted dutifully. 1… 2… SMACK 3…
By the tenth stroke the princess’s behind was burning. She writhed miserably trying to evade the inevitable smack on her unblemished flesh. When the twenty third stroke landed, she almost melted in relief.
“Splendid” said the frog. Now let’s see if you can fetch the ball a bit quicker this time princess. Are you ready?”

The frog and the princess [25F,spanking, humiliation, coercion] PART 1

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess, in whatever way you want to define that. Suffice to say she was at least twenty five, healthy, and a bit dumb. Oh and flexible. That will be important later.
The princess’s most cherished possession was a golden ball, roughly the size of an egg, that hovered gently over her hand when she willed it or would weigh as much as a heavy stone if she was inclined. She might roll it like a bowling ball or bounce it against a wall – and it obeyed her will because of a gold ring she wore around her thumb.
One day the princess tossed her golden ball a bit too far, and it didn’t return to her when she called it. She searched and searched, eventually spying it in a well where it had gotten tangled in some debris that floated in the water. There were no servants about to retrieve it, and no stick long enough for her to free it herself.
Full of despair in the way only a person with no real problems can be, the princess began to cry.
“Why are you crying princess?”
The princess looked around and saw nobody until she spied a small frog sitting on the edge of the well.
“Oh little frog. I dropped my golden ball in the well and I don’t know how to get it back”
The frog looked down the well appraisingly. “I can fetch your ball for you princess, but what will you give me in return?”
“Do you want jewels? Gold? A pond all your own stocked with only the plumpest flies?”
“What would I do with your fine gold and jewels? And what use is a pond when what I really am is lonely? What I want, princess, is to be your playmate and friend. To eat from your plate, drink from your cup, and sleep on your pillow.”
“I will give you anything you want, dear little frog, if only you retrieve my ball for me!”
“Do you promise princess?”
“Yes!” She exclaimed. (I told you she wasn’t very bright.) “I promise. I promise I will give you whatever you want if only you can get my golden ball back for me”
With that, the frog leapt down into the well and returned suspiciously quickly with the golden ball in his mouth.
The princess, on getting her golden ball back, turned to leave.
“Wait princess! Do not forget your promise”
The princess paused, considering.
“And what do you want, little frog?”
“To be your playmate and friend, as I said before” said the frog. “Now pick me up and bring me back to the castle with you.”
The princess bent down reluctantly, and suppressed a shiver when the frog leapt onto her hand. She carried him that way, her palm flat and held in front of her, to the castle.
“I’m hungry princess” said the frog. So the princess called for food and fed the frog with her own fingers from her own plate.
“I’m thirsty princess” said the frog. So the princess called for drink and let the frog suckle wine from her fingers.
“I’m tired now princess” said the frog. But the princess, who was growing tired of the frog and his demands, burst into tears and ran from the room to her father the king.
“Father” she implored “please. Please help me get rid of this wretched frog.”
“You made a promise” said her father “and you must keep it. My hands are tied.”
So the princess, full of hurt and rage, carried the frog to her bedroom and deposited him on her fine silk pillow.
“I am no longer sleepy” said the frog “and did I not say I wished to be your playmate and friend? Let us play a game. Give me your golden ball.”
“That was never part of my promise!” Cried the princess
“You promised to give me whatever I want. I will give you back your golden ball when our game is done. Come, give me the golden ball, and place the golden band you wear around your thumb around my leg”
Reluctantly the princess did so, setting the ball beside the frog and placing the ring around his leg.
“Here are the rules” said the frog. “I shall toss the ball and you shall fetch it.”
The princess was relieved, for this was a simple enough game. And she wouldn’t have to touch the frog at all. The frog lifted the ball in his mouth and spat it across the room where it bounced merrily. The princess waited until it had rolled to a stop, then she walked over and retrieved it, bringing it back and placing it by the frog.
“Ah, but I forgot to tell you the rules princess. For this game, you must crawl on your hands and knees to fetch the ball. And you may only use your mouth to pick it up.”
Anger, and something else she couldn’t recognize, bubbled up inside the princess. Remembering her promise, she slowly dropped to her knees.
“Good girl” cooed the frog, then he scooped up the ball and off it went again.
The princess, aware of the frog’s eyes on her, crawled after it. She eyed the ball, still slimy with the frog’s spit, as she lowered her head. She had to will her mouth to open when her lips touched the ball, and she felt it slide into her mouth tasting of wine and something sticky. She crawled back towards the frog who was watching her carefully.
“This is a game princess! Is it not? A game must be fun. A game must be a challenge. Surely you can go faster than that?”
“I assure you, my dear little frog, that this is as fast as I can go.”

A girl has NEEDS, ok? [FM, zombie] #2

Omg. Diary. The fucking WILDEST thing happened today.
I’ve been working on clearing out the floor above me. Systematically, you know. I got to this apartment of some basic bitch, and it was like ‘aw fuck more smoothie powder’. You could tell cause she had that whole LIVE LAUGH LOVE aesthetic and dead plants everywhere. Pictures of her with a hiking bag and bouncy curls, you know the type. SO many bridesmaid photos with other smiling girls who looked just like her. No shit she had a giant OM symbol hanging over her sofa. Appropriation much?? Gross. The kitchen was a bit of a bust, though I did find some good peanut butter and honey. But the real prize was in the bedroom.
I can’t even explain how I felt. When I went in I heard some moaning so I knew something was probably there. (I wasn’t the only one too fucking lazy to get out of bed for a fire alarm. I’d rather burn to death than leave my bed.) I figured it was basic bitch but no.
There was a NAKED DUDE tied to her bed. (I guess basic bitch wasn’t so basic.)
I haven’t gotten this far by being stupid so first I checked the rest of the apartment. There was nobody else in the place. I guess BB left her dude and ran outside?? Which is ICE COLD but also pretty funny. Then I barricaded the front door (can’t be too careful).