[MF] Working Late

I run a small software company, and although generally things tick over quite well, like every business we get some days better than others. This is about one particular day, which while starting off quite badly, turned out rather well.

“Fucking Hello Sharon” I say as the clock ticks over to 5 o’clock, “I told you I needed those forms completed today. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to stay until they’re done”.

It’s been one of those days. Nothing has gone right, and my patience is wearing a little thin. I asked her to finish those forms today, but it looks like she’s been spending too much time chatting to her friends on Facebook, again and filing her nails. Well groomed nails admittedly, but even so.

And now she’s obviously in a bad mood with me. I was wrong to swear, and I know it, but damn it, sometimes I have to remind my staff who’s the boss. This is, after all, my business, and I don’t care how damn sexy she looks in that little black skirt, and how many of the buttons on her top she’s undone, sometimes I’ve got to throw my weight around.