I [f]inally hit rock bottom when [m]essaging a guy online

Ok some of you are going to find this sad and the rest will find it sexy so strap in.

Also quick disclaimer at the start, when I say I have daddy issues, I mean I see a therapist and what we mostly talk about is my dad. I don’t fake it like a lot of girls.

So I was mildly horny so I went on an anonymous messenger and met a guy, let’s call him will.

Will started off being nice, being polite and blah blah blah until he starts asking me if I have day issues, clearly it’s a turn on for him.

I say yes, and he just flips and starts purposefully degrading me, but I’m really liking it. I send him a few photos of me (clothed) and he says I’m ugly, and the only way he’ll give me attention is if I pay him, and he sent his PayPal.

Now I’m not desperate for attention, admittedly I can’t hold down a relationship but I can definitely get myself fucked pretty regularly. But I was desperate for his attention, for his approval. So I sent him $5.

I get [f]ingered in public

So I had just spent the night at a fuck buddies apartment, and as always, I woke up before him. It was a below average night, but exactly what I expected I only agreed to go to his because i think I’m developing a crush on him, which is annoying.

I’ve got to get home quick, I had told my parents I was at a friends house, and I had lots of stuff do. I get changed, but can’t find my panties. I think he might of stolen them, but they were a very cheap pair, so I leave without them… in a skirt.

On my maybe half hour walk home I realise I don’t have a key for my house. Fuck. I text my parents, and they’re both at church (on a Saturday) and I’d have to wait a couple hours.

It’s still relatively early, too early to bother any of my friends, so I go to Starbucks, order a drink and sit alone, in the surprisingly empty shop. More people come in and out, but only one catches my notice, who sits across the room.

I get punished [f]or sniffing panties

Welcome back to me being a slut misfiring. This might be my craziest story yet, it sounds like a (well written) porno script

I have a roommate, let’s call her Angel. And if you’ve read any of my posts in the past you’d know I’m bi, but prefer girls to guys. And Angela is sexy. She’s not amazing, probably not model material, but since I’ve met her I’ve had a bit of a crush, not romantic, purely sexual.

The problem is, she is most definitely straight, with a long-term boyfriend. We’ll call him Aaron. Aaron has been a bit of a bad past, falling out with family etc.

I have before on a few occasions, when home alone, snuck into Angela’s room, gone into her laundry basket, taken out some panties and had a good sniff, sometimes playing with myself while doing so.

More recently, this habit backfired. I knew she’s out of town, visiting family oversees for the week. I arrive home late one night (maybe around 10), get into my pjs (a short, rather see-through dress) and I lie on the sofa, after about 11 minutes on Reddit, getting me suitably horny I get an idea.

My [f]ailed threesome

This happened nearly a month ago, I should also add, I’m bi.

A good friend of mine, I’ll call her Angela, was visiting home from uni, so I tell her I’ll catch up with her over a drink. We arrange a date, time and place.

I show up to a small but modern bar and she’s already there. I’m in a casual, but pretty short and very tight green dress, and she definitely dressed up more than me. She was in a blue dress, with long ginger hair, and showing a lot of cleavage. Looking her up and down now, this was definitely not the first time that I wished she wasn’t straight.

After about a half hour of talking, a group of guys walk in. We immediately stop talking and just stare at one of them. He looked like he could comfortably be a movie star or a model. To me he looked like he could be on the front of Calvin Klein underwear box. I should probably mention he was probably just under a decade older than us. I’ll call him Chris.