Out in the open [MF]

My girlfriend and I live together with my best friend as our roommate (it’s hard to live with just two incomes). Although its never been a problem, Unless we’re in our bedroom, there’s no real privacy in the house if we want to get down and dirty.

The other night after working an exhausting 11 hour shift, all I wanted to do was get home, take a shower and smoke a blunt with my girl. My girl had other plans. She had noticed during the week that work was kicking my ass and, unbeknownst to me, she wanted to help alleviate some of that tension.

After finishing watching an episode of stranger things and smoking, I stepped into our kitchen and opened the door to our pantry for a little snack (munchies!). As I’m rummaging through snacks galore, I see my girl peek around the door and, very softly said, “I wanna snack to.” With a devilish grin on her face. I snicker, but before I could say anything back, she stepped around the door, leaving it open to block the view of the living room, and grabbed a handful of my cock.