Reclamation: Part 2 [a dark story about abduction, no consent, bdsm, and slave training of a former FWB]

Day 0 [Part 1]

Day 1

Even only after a couple hours of sleep, I wake up feeling more refreshed than I have in quite a while.  It’s 10:30 Saturday morning and the sun shining through my bedroom skylights. My dick is even a little sore from the workout it’s been put through the last couple weeks.

Eager to pick up where I left off, I jump up and walk to see my new pet.  She looks like she’s been up all night crying.  I doubt she got much sleep.  She even looks angry; It’s not what I was expecting. “What the fuck is wrong with you!  You’re gonna get raped in jail if my family doesn’t kill you.” Is the first thing she says.  I like to think that means she’s concerned for me, but I’m a realist.  She’s found some resolve overnight. It’s not what I expected.  I had predicted something on the other end of the spectrum between joy and despair. 

Reclamation: Part 1 [a dark story about abduction, CNC, bdsm, and slave training of a former FWB]



I had met this amazing woman in college. She was sexy. She was insatiable. She was a gateway to kink. No matter how hard I tried I could not find boundaries with her; “no” just wasn’t in her vocabulary. There were things I didn’t even want but ended up doing for just to see if she would call my bluff. She never did. 

To me she was a drug. The way she smelled, the way she felt, how she tasted, the things she could do, the noises she made, the orgasm she could give me; being with her was a high unlike anything else. And it went both ways – Enough time apart and we’d just start to crave sex with each other. A strong relationship takes more than just sex, and unfortunately it was clear the other facets of a relationship would never work for us. Still it took nothing to end up in bed with each other, or a backseat, or a church, or a mall changing room… We had an off and on again relationship for years that I’d characterize as the best sex that’s been had on earth.  

Here’s a dark one for you [32M:29F] adultary, abduction, nonconsent, BDSM, and more…

I had met this amazing woman in college. She was insatiable. She was a gateway to kink. No matter how hard I tried I could not find boundaries; she wouldn’t say no to anything. There were some things I didn’t even want to try but ended up doing for just to see if she would call my bluff. She never did. 

To me she was a drug. The way she smelled, the way she felt, the things she could do, the orgasm she could give me me with her was a high unlike anything else. And it went both ways. Enough time apart and we craved sex with each other. While a real relationship would never work for us, it took nothing to end up in bed, or a backseat, or a church, or a mall changing room… We had an off and on again relationship for years that probably could’ve set a world record for “best sex.”  

It was a shame when she told me she engaged.  This was in bed after some acts I knew her fiance would never be bold enough to do to her. I scolded her for not telling me and she confided that he just couldn’t satisfy her in bed. And even if she could cum, it never was as good as it was with me.