A Christ[m]as wish [f]ulfilled – RAOMD success story

I was ready to give up. I had caught the attention of a [poster on RAOMD](https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomActsOfMuffDive/comments/7l4mwi/27_f4m_anyone_up_for_a_challenge_in_nyc), and we were messaging back and forth, but it didn’t feel like we’d ever meet. This was happening, or that, but then as we continued to talk, I sent a message saying all I wanted for Christmas was her legs wrapped around the backside of my head.. and I guess that did the trick.

A short while later, while I was out getting drinks with a friend at a local bar, she texted and asked “What about tonight?” And then we had liftoff. She wouldn’t be able to make it to the neighborhood until after midnight, but she acknowledged feeling sorry for coming off flakey and then made the drive to come out and play, so long as I could help her park when she had made it to me.

She arrived to the apartment around 1230 or 1a, and called me to have me help park the car. We found a spot that ultimately she could just pull into, and so there weren’t any issues with parallel parking – something she admitted wasn’t her strong suit.