On behest of my Owner, I present this story to you fine folks. We welcome any feedback.
On New Year’s, I squirted harder than I have before.
Living near Philly, a lot of people go into the city to celebrate holidays. My friends and I were no different. But when my friends cancelled, I decided to go anyway. I joined a meetup and met a good, nerdy group of people. Despite the city being especially loud, we found a booth at a bar with live music and had good conversation. After a few drinks and discussions, it was almost time to ring in the New Year. With a couple minutes to go, I snuck outside to avoid the whole “find a partner to kiss” awkwardness. Especially since I was trying desperately to be a good wife and not fuck everyone at the bar. I instead decided to flirt to bum a cigarette in my slightly drunken haze. I bundled up and noticed another member of the group was already outside smoking. He had been sitting next to me and we had shared some laughs and moments during conversation. I definitely wasn’t sad that he was out here. I went up next to him and asked for a cigarette. He gave me one and offered a light.