My first MILF and second married girl I hooked up with, she [F] was 27, I [M] was 34

So I met [this girl] ( on the whisper app. She had posted about hooking up with some guy at a hotel when she was traveling for work. She told me how she was too drunk to remember much other than him being older than her. We talked for a few days then started taking on Snapchat when we found out how close we lived to each other (within an hour). She told me how she previously had a regular guy she was cheating on her husband with but that he became too clingy so this guy at the hotel was the first she had hooked up with since about a year. I didn’t go into our conversations trying to hook up with her, just talked with her and when she shared a picture I made she to tell her how much I enjoyed them (she started to send nudes, I still have those and may post later). She was always teasing me with her cleavage, pulling her top down while she was sitting at home with her husband, unaware of what she was doing. She had the best tits, I honestly thought they were fake, they were so perfect.

The only time my married co-worker [F] 32 years old and I [M] 27 yrs old had sex at her house

So for obvious reasons, we barely ever hung out at her place, let alone fooled around with each other. Every time I was over there I was always worried about getting caught, trying to think of the best exit strategy haha. For that reason we were always on the main floor where I could leave out the back of the house (I usually parked at a park across the street if we were going to be at her place for a while). Most of the time we’d just hang out on the couch, play games, and make out. Never too intensely because we didn’t want to get too into it and then have to stop real fast if her husband randomly came home and also because the times we started at her house, we always ended up going to my house later where we’d get more into having fun with each other.

My [M] 27 (after birthday) shower, bj, and 69 with my married [F] 32 year old co-worker

This event happened after we had had sex for the second time. Leading up to this was my birthday. I figured we’d have sex on my birthday and I found out she had that expectation too. She had messaged me asking what I wanted to do for my birthday. I responded “you?.” She replied, “this sounds like it’s my birthday because I’d be asking for the same thing.” I knew what she meant but had to tease her about wanting herself. My birthday was on a weekday so we’d have limited time. She’d have to be home at a decent time to avoid suspicion, which I understood, so it left only about 3 hours for us to be together after work. We weren’t working at the same location that day, so as we are talking to figure out the evening, she says “I wanted to take you to that fondue place since you haven’t been before, the only problem is that place will take a long time to get through dinner and we’d have much less ? time.” ? was our “code word” that meant making out and me getting her topless, but after we had sex for the first time, it also included the potential of extra nakedness and touching. I told her “? is more important than eating so let’s go” and said where wed have dinner, also the place of our first “date.”

First time my married 32 yr old co-worker [F] stayed at my [M] house for the night, worst blue balls ever- part 3 of our story

So even though this is part 3, it happened before the first two stories I posted. I’m just sharing different events I had with my married coworker. This happened about a week, week and a half, before we had sex for the first time.

I still remember the restaurant we were sitting at when she told me “I think I could stay the night with you this Saturday, if you’re okay with it.” She tells me her husbands family has a wedding a few hours away, it was in the evening so they’d be staying in a hotel that night before coming back Sunday. She thinks she can get out of the trip using some excuse about her dog. After we both talk about how excited we are to actually sleep in the same bed together, she comments and laughs that she hopes I didn’t mind that she just invited herself to stay over. Of course I didn’t mind, it was one of the things I fantasized about all the time.

26 [M] with 32 [F] married co-worker, part 1 repost

This is a repost from my old account, which I removed to help maintain secrecy of identity.

Just a brief intro into our story. We were co-workers, met for the first time about 2 months into my first year on the job. We had some communication over email due to the nature of our working relationship, but hadn’t met in person until we were both required to be at a meeting. We shared an office at one of our work sites, but happened to have our schedules lined up so that neither of us were there the same day. So as soon as she walked into the door for this meeting, I’m in awe. I don’t believe in love at first site, but this was definitely lust at first site. She was the most attractive girl I had seen in person. Natural beauty. Long blonde hair, green eyes, a few inches shorter than me, 115-120lbs. It turned out that nobody else showed up for this meeting, so her and I ended up getting lost in conversation for about an hour. She was so easy to talk to. From here, we ended up talking more through email, then due to work loads, we both ended up being at the same site, sharing the same office, for one day a week. Soon we began having lunch dates at work, walking each other out to leave. This progressed to her offering to show me around (I was new to town) and meeting me for dinner once a week. It started with her telling me she’d show me where I can take girls I date, but quickly turned into dates for us. She even told me once, I’m sure you don’t want to hear this from an older woman, but if I wasn’t married, I’d date you. If she only knew at that post how much I did want to hear that haha. We didn’t really get physical during our first few dates. Just a hug to end it, maybe some light touching/hand placement on a leg, arm, or back. Weeks into this, not only are we emailing each other at work every day talking about everything but also through social media after work.

26 [M] with 32 [F] married co-worker, part 2

26 [M] with 32 [F], she is married and coworker, part 2

This is a follow-up to part 1. Decided to change my username to help hide identities. Part 1 was the first time we had sex, when she slid down on it with her panties still on, taking total control. She’s blonde. About 5’7, 120lbs. Best looking girl I’ve seen in person.

So, after we had sex that first time (shared in previous post) we are messaging each other. She quickly states that she was so glad it happened, she wishes she didn’t have to leave as soon as it was over, and she hopes we can do it again very soon, if I’m ok with it. Of course I say me too haha. It was the weekend so we couldn’t be together, but we are both planning to have sex again first thing Monday when her husband leaves for work. Unfortunately, I get a message Sunday that it’s her “time of the month” and we’d have wait because she didn’t want to have sex then. I was bummed, but we made out all week like usual for an hour or two every day, and I was still able to get her nipples in my mouth every day (I love boobs haha).