[MF] I went from a tall husband to a short loverboy

I was always attracted to taller men and that was what led me to my husband who fit the bill nicely standing at 6 foot 3. Overall an attractive guy but for some reason he never had a very robust sex drive. I was insecure about myself but he insisted he just wasn’t in the mood very often and naturally our lovemaking was not the greatest.

So not long into the marriage he finds out he has a bone disorder that causes back pain and joint issues, not something life threatening thank god. Idk if it was the disorder itself or the medication but after that point he pretty much became impotent.

We talked things over and he brought up the possibility that I could have sex with somebody else on the condition it wasn’t some random internet person- Not something I’d have done, as I am a very paranoid person. This wasn’t much of a problem anyway as we have a rather kinky circle of friends. In the beginning I wrestled with the ethics of this arrangement. Felt guilty, briefly disgusting. But my husband swears up and down he had no problem with it. I think I was just uncomfortable at first because it’s unothrodox according to society.