Trading Sweat [MF] pt. 2

Part One was about our day on the island.

Trading Sweat [MF] from gonewildstories

It was not the first time Kaelyn and I fucked, but it was the most memorable. As we thrusted against each other, our bodies intertwined, her legs wide and wrapped around my back, her tight pussy pulling me inside her, we became covered with a sheen of ocean salt and sweat. Our bodies responded to each other. It was one of those encounters where time stopped – we were fucking each other so thoroughly it felt like we could either continue forever, or bring it to a climax, cum and collapse eternity into an instant.


Our first time together was a bit slower, more tentative. Not as sex crazed as some of the other stories on here (or even some of the other experiences I’ve written about and shared.)

Pounding PAWG with Perfect Ass [MF] from gonewildstories

Tutoring Sex [MF] pt.3

In the first two: I hadn’t known Willow that well in college. Willow is Asian, and she was pre-med and didn’t date. She was thin and nerdy, then. After college, she got hot. She gained a bunch of weight, lost it again, and her 34Cs stayed. On a job interview in her city, we met for dinner. She came up to my hotel room after to “study” anatomy flashcards, and we studied each other. I found out her new tits were real but we didn’t fuck. Some of that weight had stayed on her ass, too. Several weeks later, she calls to tell me she’s met a guy. She’s never had sex in her life and wants me to be the one to teach her.

Part One:

Part Two:

Tutoring Sex [MF] pt. 2 from gonewildstories

Pounding PAWG with Perfect Ass [MF]

I didn’t think I would like Lauren. It was during a dry spell and I was desperate to be inside someone new. Dating, like anything else, ebbs and flows. In real life and on dating sites. Some weeks the dates are stacked like back-to-back appointments. Other weeks I’m jacking off to my favorites to sleep, every night.

Lauren had a cute face – but she carried herself like she felt like she could lose a few. Her chest was so big that it was the first thing you saw in anything she wore. Far from me to have an opinion on a woman’s weight one way or the other, but it was true that she was one of the bigger people I would sleep with.

The dates started off as a string of very average dinner dates out. Conversation carried by her views on political events and legal affairs. I felt like there were undercurrents to the dinners, but I wasn’t sure that I cared enough to act on it. Not that I didn’t like her – she was thoroughly nice and pleasant. But sex comes with strings and obligations, and despite the dry spell I didn’t know whether I wanted to start it.

Trading Sweat [MF]

The furthest we had gone in high school was making out, her shirtless in a white bra with full cup coverage. It was boarding school – the rooms were squares and four to a room. I had gone with her roommate to junior prom, so it was awkward while we kissed each other in a separate corner of the room with a movie playing on her laptop and makeshift curtains barely drawn.


Kaelyn was tiny, but had a great rack. The kind of rack that distracted from everything else – her tits were so great that I hadn’t really thought about her ass. (I would later find out that she had the kind of ass that was plump handfuls, great to reach my hands around and grab as I pounded her.)

Throughout the years Kaelyn and I kept in loose touch. We were involved with the political scene, and in and out of similar campaigns. We went off to school in different parts of the country, but now for a short time found ourselves in the same city. Both of us were staying with our parents, and there was nowhere to go.


Tutoring Sex [MF] pt. 2

If you missed Part One: I hadn’t seen Willow in years, she invites me to a nondescript Italian restaurant in Philly to catch up. I’m expecting a rote conversation, and she shows up looking three times hotter than what I remembered in college. She’s touching my arm, looking at me. Like that. She’s wearing black mesh over a tight tank top over a pair of 34Cs. And as dinner winds to an end, she asks me whether she can come up to my hotel room. To study flashcards, for her anatomy final.

I considered that an invitation.


Willow comes up to my hotel room, one of those suitelets with a couch beside the bed, and she parks herself there, spreading out her flash cards.

It didn’t take me long to put my arms around her. I might have made the expected quips about distracting her from studying. Or giving her something better to study. Real life anatomy flash cards.

She had leather pants on, and I really should have put two and two together on the outfit she had worn to dinner, the mesh top. I think of all the Reddit posts: “What are the biggest sexual hints you have ever missed?”

Tutoring Sex [MF] pt.1

I took the late afternoon flight into Philly for a job interview the next day. I was nervous and wanted to let off some steam before meeting my future boss and potentially exploring my new city.

I knew Willow loosely in college – she was the type to focus all her time on being pre-med and getting good grades for medical school. Glasses, skinny, unconcerned with her appearance and dress.

Conversations with her were bland and focused on academics. I found her one note and boring. She told me later that she hadn’t enjoyed our encounters either – I was tweaky and jumpy, spread too thin among too many things. Not exactly your average, meet cute love story.

After freshman orientation, we kind of drifted apart – with all the interesting people around there was no reason for us to stay connected.

Willow got us reservations for an Italian restaurant in a nice part of town. For near-strangers it was a safe, unassuming choice. My expectations for dinner were low: we would talk about college, share a couple stories about the people we had both known, catch up on what had happened in our lives after graduation. I would have a glass of wine and head back to my hotel room to study for my interview the next day.