I (F)ucked my neighbor while (M)y girlfriend slept downstairs in my bed [MF]

About 12 or 13 years ago, I lived in a 3 story triplex, with each individual apartment stacked directly on top of the next. Downstairs, were Mike and Dee. They were nice, fun to hang out with, and we’d all go out drinking fairly regularly. About 6 months into living in my place, a couple of girls – Erin and Allie – moved in upstairs. They were maybe a year or two older than me.

At the time, I had a girlfriend from Australia. Chelsea was a few years younger than me, maybe 19 at the time. She had a vicious habit of going out, getting sloppy drunk, coming back to my place to scream in my face as a preface to some unruly sex, and then passing out cold.

On occasion, I actually liked it. She had few limits and would let me do more or less anything I wanted. Mostly it was pretty obnoxious and she bugged me. However, it was easy sex with a cute girl and I was in my early 20’s, so I endured it.

The [F]irst encounter with [M]y long term fuck buddy pt. 2

As Kayley wiped the remaining residue of cum from her face, the sly smirk she continued to wear was only interrupted by her finger pushing past her lips to clean the rest of the mess I made.

I, still in a daze and completely awestruck by the cavalier demeanor of the girl who just sucked my soul out, stared stupidly at her.

“What?” Kayley asked, a slight tilt of the head and a knowing look strewn across her face.

*What?* I thought to myself, *What do you think? You just casually sat on my face and sucked any hope for all women I would meet over the rest of my life into your throat* I thought to myself

“You” I chuckled awkwardly.

“Me what?” She smiled knowingly.

“I dunno, that was insane. That was like porn movie stuff.” I posited.

“Oh, ha, I dunno about that.” Kayley giggled bashfully. “It felt really good though…”

Our riveting conversation tapered into more silence, and we put our underwear back on, focusing our attention on the drone of the TV. We moved to the futon, laying down in the spoon position, my arm uncomfortably situated under her head, her ass pressed into my crotch. Her hair drifted in and out of my face, it smelled fresh, like artificial fruit.

The [F]irst encounter with [M]y long term fuck buddy

Many years ago, I established an incredibly convenient fuck buddy relationship with a truly pretty, and sufficiently freaky girl named Kayley. I will build off of this in the future, sharing more of our exploits as they are varied. However, this story is the one that kick-started it all.

Back in the days of instant messaging, I like many others of my generation, spent hours on end chatting, talking shit, crafting elaborate away messages, and sharing filth. Also, as is expected, and simultaneously unbeknownst to us, my online friends and I were paving the way for sexting.

In the midst of a conversation with a friend of mine, I caught the distinct audible indication of a new message.

Kayby018: *Hey*

That was the entire content of the message. My heart swelled, my stomach knotted, I had to respond with something quippy, witty, cool.

illetist90: *Hey*

Satisfied with my response, I awaited Kayleys advances.

Kayby018: *I saw you at the party last Friday, you looked really hot*

Oh man. She really ratcheted this up quickly. Her blunt, unapologetic observation would serve as an example of how most of our conversations would unfold. Kayley said what she wanted, when she wanted, however she wanted.

Eve of Graduation Blowjob [MF]

After lurking on this sub for quite a while, I figured I oughtta commit some of my own personal stories to text and share with you, as well as taking the opportunity to relive them myself.

Back in high school, I spent a lot of time in a tech class that focused on entry level music production. Most of the students joined the class because the teacher was a well known pushover, and would give everyone an A for showing up. I saw it as an awesome opportunity to take advantage of cool equipment and software that I didn’t have access to at the time. Generally speaking, I was not popular. I was a good looking kid, but lacked an abundance of confidence at the time and mostly kept to myself.

There were a few of girls that I would flirt with in class. I suspect at least one or two of them did it for their own entertainment, and not for my benefit. However, there was one girl, Tara, who I felt was a little more serious. Tara was cute, soft facial features and a gentle smile, with a fit, youthful body. She was in good shape, with nicely apportioned features. We would find each other in close proximity fairly often, and truth be told I was pretty oblivious to her subtle advances.