Worship and Service part 1 [m/f]

I think everyone on some level in some way loves and desires to be worshipped and serviced sexually. Many don’t know how to ask for it or if their partner would be willing.

The following is a story about a woman who’s come to a cross roads in her relationship and wants to ensure her lover doesn’t become bored with her as the years roll on.

They had been dating for a while now discussed marriage and kids the whole nine yards. They were both very happy and their relationship had a solid foundation of trust. Sexually they were passionate and both quite satisfied with each others performances. Yet it had been largely vanilla and neither one had been terribly forthcoming about possible fetishes or kinks. Lately he had started working more which left him a little more tired and drained mentally but she was proud of him. They wanted a house together and a family. So they both had been putting in some extra effort to make their vision reality. She wanted to remind him about what was always waiting for him when he got home. And she wanted him to be excited to come home. So she started looking for inspiration.

Kings and Queens M/F

I believe there is a secret ingredient overlooked by history in the success of empires and kingdoms. This will be a story behind the scenes of the most powerful people in history.

There’s and old proverb of sorts that says behind the great men of history also stood great women. Or something to that effect. The deeds and contributions of these great women has often been overlooked and forgotten by history.

Humans are incredibly fallible, it seems the only way we can succeed truly is together. A king could not hope to be successful without that one person who he could confide and trust completely. Someone who would tell him the truth without fear. And that person was the queen. I suspect she was the sounding board, the second authority to all the best kingdoms and the best aspects of those kingdoms.

But men have an obvious and dire weakness within them. Sexual satisfaction for men is that weakness. And it is this weakness that the queen was uniquely suited to solve. The best queens were the best in the bedroom. The ones that kept the king satisfied saw their kingdoms and people prosper above all others.