A Perfect Fit [M/F] [EXH, Prostitution]

I guarantee that if you read until the end, you’ll be satisfied. It’s pretty short. Be gentle!

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**A Perfect Match**

Lauren drank–heavily. 

She shifted uncomfortably in her brilliant yellow micro-dress. Was she really going to do this? Lauren hadn’t provided services to clients since her time in university. She shimmied the slithery fabric down her length and tried not to flash the whole of the bar in the process.

Beside her, a hologram virtualized and a Japanese businessman in dapper business attire materialized. He began joking with the man sitting two seats to her left. 

“I’m sorry,” she interrupted, “this seat’s taken.”

The man looked at her and slight digital artifacts showed up as tiny boxes on his face as he turned. He laughed, his portley face trembling slightly, before turning back to his business partner. 

“Fine,” she grunted. 

Lauren Ortiz shook her head and shifted over directly into the hologram. She seated herself within his body. The man objected in Japanese and waved for her to leave, but she sat surrounded by the blinding three-dimensional projected brightness as she sipped her orange juice and vodka. It was a triple, and more vodka than juice, but she would need it if she was to go through with it.

Echoes of Passion

My first erotic story EVER. Be gentle…


The hot sun beat down on Heather Allen’s body as she looked on the colossal port beneath her that was packed with luxury yachts and the ultra-rich. She felt her coating of sunscreen weaken as the light baked her in an entirely pleasant heat, reflected from the rock face all around her.


“Ma chère, you will burn,” the older man called as he stood atop the outcropping. “You need to keep that beautiful body in good shape!”


His hair was mostly white. His five o’clock shadow was messy, but she found it mysterious at the time. He wore a button-down baby-blue shirt on their hike. It hardly seemed appropriate attire. His brown leather hiking boots were the most sensible thing about him, but that wasn’t why she’d agreed to travel to the tiny country with the much older man.


Heather had met him at a club in Amsterdam. She scoffed when he offered to sail her across Europe. She was just twenty. She hardly viewed herself as exciting. She was from Ohio. Nothing exciting happened in Ohio.