Five Horny Entrepreneurs finally have their first LONG awaited threesome… [MFFFF, Dom/Sub, Preg]


*It’s easy to hate someone. People say, “*hatred takes energy to maintain*,” but I would argue the opposite. Hate is self-maintaining. Forgiveness is a supremely difficult task. Even after I forgave fleur for her cruel words, I still relished my hatred. I bathed in it. Truly, I hated the Americans as well. As I pondered it, I’m not sure what I was expecting them to do.*

*Fleur felt much of the same rage I did. Many of her family and friends had perished as well. We both fought for the opinion and attention of the Americans, trying to convince them we were right. Perhaps it’s for the best they didn’t give in. Had they sided with one or another, our family would have torn apart, and I never would have fallen in love.*

For once, at dinner, Fleur was glaring at someone else. She held Felicia under a burning stare. Felicia hadn’t announced yet, but we had our suspicions. They weren’t even trying. It was a slap in the face to a woman whose third in vitro fertilization had failed.

Five horny entrepreneurs, sex all around, but one thinks something deeper is there to be found…[MFFFF, Harem, Preg, Flexible, Poly]

Part 2 of 3 (check my profile for part 1, can’t link here)

*Though I’m not poly, I really wanted to explore what a healthy polyamorous relationship would look like in this tale. Hope you like it!*



*I wasn’t like the others. At least, I like to tell myself that. I wasn’t gonna just sleep around. Poly doesn’t mean that. Well, for some it does, but not for me. No, this isn’t a story of me seducing Quade and pulling him into some dark closet, ahem—Roberta, but to the point. This is not a story of sex without consequences. It’s a story of how I fell deep, deep, in love with an incredibly sweet man.*

*He’d always been kind to me, but it takes more than a few opened doors and prepared meals to win me over. The first time I felt something for Quade was when I was working in the dome one fateful morning in May.*

“Mornin’ Felicia,” Quade smiled. I was filling the new soil sacks for storage.

Five horny entrepreneurs, plus ‘seeding’ bonuses, equals a fucking good time…[MFFFF, Harem, Preg, Rough]

***Jan 19, 2055***


*Arisa was much warmer than I was expecting. Mars has a surface temperature of -60 degrees centigrade. The tunnels have pumped in heat, so that is nice. Geothermal energy was a real benefit to our settlement.*

*My team in the agricultural wing had worked in the dome for several weeks. We brought seedlings from Earth and over ninety-five percent survived the trip. Quade, our de-facto leader, said we need to get the UV backup running in case of a dust storm. I am inclined to agree. A total mission failure due to crop loss would be quite embarrassing.*

*Although living in close proximity to the crops and each other, the modular walls underground have been nice. The dome is the only part of our settlement above ground. The rest is contained in a single eleven-hundred square foot room. Our first step was to eliminate the walls in our living spaces. It is quite reminiscent to my time in university. Everyone has their own bedroom, but we share two bathrooms and a common living space and kitchen. We all get along famously.*

“*Is this some kind of joke?*” a sentence was shouted from behind me in the living room.

A very, very, steamy shower…[MF, Exhibition, HJ, Cumshot]

**Jakob’s Mate (5): Rub ‘Til It’s Done**

***Jakobs Mate is made up of mostly independent stories, but if you’d like to read more…check my profile for previous entries (can’t link here).***


The clanging of automated air-hammers across the hull of my ship had gotten old after the first hour. Getting a new cover for the Leiaan was awful. I loved the look of my ship. I hated plastering some company logo across it and having to act like I was a lowly unstable ore hauler, in this case.

I worked out with my headphones in, but as I went to grab a snack, the banging got to me again. I groaned in frustration. A shower would clear my head. I cracked my neck and did a louder than normal thumping on the armory door. Sadie and I were—something, but neither of us were quite sure what that something was. In the two days that had passed since we left Outer’s Gate, JIL had been busy trying to think up a communication interface for our new pea-sized friend. Johnny T was ready and willing to help us hide out while things died down. He gave us a really good rate on the ship reskin. I ran my hand down the door frame and the panels hissed and slid apart. I stripped off my smelly workout gear and tossed it into the laundry chute. Automated washing was a feature that I always viewed as a must in a space-faring vessel. I did *not* wash clothes. I was willing to pay three month’s pay for that privilege.

Does it even count as a club night if you don’t round third base in a private booth? [MF, Exhibition, Teasing]

**Jakob’s Mate (4): Wanna Cyber?**

***Jakobs Mate is made up of mostly independent stories, but if you’d like to read more…check my profile for previous entries (can’t link here).***


“Hey, you were a mech tech, right?” I asked my first mate as she did pull-ups on her doorframe using elastics to keep herself down. “You’ve got a neuralink?”

“Yeah,” she whispered. “Why?”

“Well, I’ve got something that’s been bugging me,” I replied. “It’s stupid, but, when I was at the bar last night, I saw an agent.”

“Like,” she laughed, “UNSEC, DE patrol, what?”

“It was Three,” I replied. “You know, the terminator guy from that old diamond heist that was—”

“What the fuck was *he* doing out here?” Sadie asked, locking her magboots to the floor. She walked over to the mess hall table where I was sitting and grabbed a packet of protein. Her hair was pulled up and slick from sweat. Tiny droplets drifted off her skin like fairy dust as she chugged the drink. She wiped down her chest a moment later, dipping the towel between her breasts slightly.

Sure, hate-fucking an ex is slutty, but who cares? [MFM, Rough, Dom/Sub]

**Jakob’s Mate(3): A Pale Imitation**

***Jakobs Mate is made up of mostly independent stories, but if you’d like to read more…check my profile for previous entries (can’t link here).***


“Hey, don’t wait up, alright? I’ve got to run in to grab some things, do some shopping, and then I’ll buy quantum fuel. Sound good?”

Sadie was in a hurry. I was more than a little curious.

“What do you mean, ‘don’t wait up?’” I chuckled.

“Oh, that’s a nunya saying. I’m sure you wouldn’t understand.”

“None ya—”

“—Fuckin’ business, yeah it is,” Sadie winked. “Anyway, I’m safe. I’m just taking care of some shit, alright? I’ll be back in the morning.”

“Alright, bye, Sade—”

She was gone before I could finish my sentence. It was unlike her to be so cryptic. When we arrived at Outer’s Gate station, she made some shady calls from her room. It was like she was hiding something.

“Yeah, that’s Sadie,” Pru laughed, throwing a backpack over her shoulder that we had provided. “Every time the Scarborough docked at Outer’s Gate she did exact the same thing.”

Never bring someone to a sex club who you aren’t willing to share… Jakob’s Mate(2): The Arrangement [MFF, Teasing, Prostitution, Reluctant, Sci-Fi]

**Jakobs Mate is made up of mostly independent stories, but if you’d like to read more…check my profile for previous entries (can’t link here)**


“Alright, where’s the camera?” I laughed, looking around the newly repaired Leiaan. “Come on, don’t fuck with me like that, Sadie.”

She shook her head sharply and doubled down.

“No, I’m dead serious. I need your help. I can’t do this alone because I don’t trust some random person not to rape and murder me.”

My head spun. She wasn’t asking what I thought she was asking. This was why I always flew solo. I would never get myself into a situation like this. I was still processing the first sentence she spoke to me. I replied, shaking my head as though trying to rattle a marble from my brain.

“How do you even know she’s at that brothel?”

“She’s there!” Sadie insisted. “I know Prudence isn’t the type to sell her body like that. We shared a bunk for three years aboard the Scarborough. Her message read like someone trying to *sound* okay. We need to get her out of there.”

Is it a sin to watch a chaplain shower? [MFF, Triangle, Sci-Fi, Voyeur]

*Since y’all liked the first one so much–I couldn’t help coming again (hah). Here’s another original tale I wrote just for Reddit!*

**ALERT** “Unidentified Earth gas scraper, this is the Martian orbital defense core. Shut down your main drive, and prepare to be boarded.”

“Why would they be boarding us?” One of the passengers asked from behind me.

I looked over my shoulder and examined the innocent-looking woman whose long black braid dipped down her mid back. My eyes glanced to her tits in spite of our current situation. Though obfuscated by a modest chaplain’s getup, I couldn’t help imagining what those beauties looked like underneath. What can I say? I’ve got a type:

Short, stacked, brunettes with impenetrable personalites.

The fact that she was forbidden and innocent made her even hotter. Stop the presses. A smuggler who’s a sexual deviant, fuckin’ unheard of.

“Hey, I’m,” I chuckled, pressing in the reply on channel button. “Really sorry, boys. We’ve got a medically fragile patient on board. It’s crucial we get to Titan medical complex ASAP. She has—”

My mind searched for some medical intervention an imaginary patient might need that couldn’t be provided by Mars.

I tried not to fuck my college roommate’s daughter, I really did, but it was the end of the world…what else were we supposed to do? [MF, Apocalyptic, Taboo]

*Sounds like a horror flick, but reads like a fantasy… I wrote this last night JUST for Reddit*


***March 25th 2065***

*I have to say, it’s very nice to see Felix again. We’ve been in touch all through my travels, but while I was seeing the world and making little money—he was doing the opposite. Third in his UC Berkley class, Felix Galt is equal parts genius and business magnate. He’d made his first billion investing in a little-known tech conglomerate known at that time as Fox Life and Robotics just before the war. Within five years they had rebranded after acquiring a tech startup known for its AI programming, Jones Computing and Networking. He now owns four percent of a multi-trillion dollar company. To celebrate, he purchased an island home. No, that is not really indicative of his wealth. He purchased an island and then built a home on it.*

*Named Broadbury, the less-than-modest property is joined to the Canadian mainland by a bridge his company helped to create as a proof of concept. Microtubule carbons support the structure which spans—*

Jake, from State Farm? Nothing good happens on calls at three in the morning…[MF], [Sneaky], [Cougar], [Fanfic]

*Ok, this was beyond indulgence to write. Seeing those ridiculous fucking commercials got me thinking…what was Jake from State Farm really looking for?*


The line was silent as Susan weighed whether she was *really* going to go through with it. She called at three in the morning, what else was she going to say?

“What–” she began sheepishly at first. Susan steeled herself and repeated in a lower sultry tone. She was ready for excitement. “What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?”

She regretted her words as the line clicked. She’d gone too far. Susan was beyond excited and thought about the times she’d bumped into the meaty insurance appraiser in the office. She hated herself for taking the step. She was a married woman.

Susan got up and opened the study door, being careful not to wake her husband on the second floor.

She nearly jumped out of her skin as her phone began buzzing on the hard wooden desk. The Skype call noise was different from the cell ring. It was loud and sounded like a modem from the nineties.